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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Weshty

    New Irish Lines

    Well done to Garfield and Alan on this one. A great magazine and great that it is now in high resolution. I look forward to a good read of it this evening.
  2. Absolutely!
  3. I'm coming up on 10 years in the hobby, and even gradual purchases from Mr. Murphy and ebay curios do add up (and more than several from Glenderg...just too hard to resist temptation). Time is the issue in terms of running and building, particularly as when I do sit down to do something, I end up designing something new instead, arrgh! The wives have their fashion and hairdos, we have our toys. Its a fair cop guv.
  4. Given they are small rather than far away, it's per coach Dave Time for specsavers?
  5. Hi Liver If its for the Mk3s I have them available in etched nickelsilver. Check out http://www.studio-scale-models.com under the coaches section.
  6. Now there speaks the truth. Tricky divils depending how they are approached. Lots of detail and they also have to be true and square. My own thoughts are to consider function over form. Use foldable brass to ensure free running and then glue on the detail, aftermarket if need be.
  7. Ahh, Tony O'Neils pub in Buttevant. Pure class.
  8. That viaduct took my breath away when I opened up this thread. Inspirational.
  9. Lovely job with the styrene, I like how you've scored the grills, very tidy. What is the box / protuberance at the back of the cab? I've seen it on some prototype photos, but not on others.
  10. Yes, yes it would. That's why I said it depends on the most common motive power. It would be designed for the two most common types only, as I did for the Sulzer, but with a few improvements. Of course all this is based on potential interest and joins the queue for other items under consideration.
  11. A fine job done on that 121 George. It's gas, but when I was younger I thought the prototype was a desperate ugly yoke altogether compared to the baby GMs. But they make a a great looking model. And agreed John, the whitemetal version is great fun to build and goes together very well. Just a pity about the cast bogie sides not working with an Athearn Donor.
  12. Hi Eamon, The design depends on what the most common donor motive power will be based on. hacked Hornby class 33 new version pancake motor athearn jobbie tenshodo etc....
  13. That is a lovely and smart piece of engineering work on that chassis. Would there be any interest in an version of same in 0.4mm brass? Along with the bogie bits and whatever else? I could do both c and A classes.
  14. Yup, it all looks lovely. The signs, the level crossing, the figures. Nice work getting the old style loco lamps working!
  15. N'arrrgh!! It's just flippin' lovely Central median grass strip and all. That must be the vet's car.....
  16. Paddy Murphy is the MAN. A few minor quibbles with numbers and paint don't detract from the steamingly high quality and detail of his locos and coaches. He didn't so much raise the bar for Irish RTR as put it into geosynchronous orbit. If in doubt weather them and stand back in awe at the detail! Particularly the loco bogies.
  17. Folks MK4 and 22000 transfer packs are now available with the new IE logo. Full details on http://www.studio-scale-models.com For the MK4 C11n For the 22000 C22n Regards Weshty
  18. That "Yoke and stretcher" stuff is total zen, great to get an explanation of how it goes together. Great tip on the Microlux, my cutting mat has suffered a bit in the recent past.
  19. Sweet job and well done. Great use of styrene to kit bash a model
  20. You'd nearly get it JUST to see the look on her face...and make sure you record it. €15k a bit saucy...
  21. Ah, sound stuff. I can put away the CAD for a while so. Much appreciated.
  22. Weak.At.The.Knees. The model is sublime enough, but the photo-demo puts the cherry on the cake. Crisp and prodigious detail, window frames, complex weathering and blacking. Wowza.
  23. Weshty

    Gswr 4-8-0t

    Clucking bell. That is scratchbuilt?? In OO gauge? I'm frankly lost for superlatives. Saying "Very impressed" hardly cuts the mustard
  24. Chevron, Always interested in customer feedback and based on the last few, I'll be providing roundals and snails seperately. In the interest of product improvement, what is it with the look of the snails that you don't like?
  25. Wow, very, very useful..how have I missed these
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