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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Speechless. The weathering and the prestwin detailing are the cherry on the cake.
  2. Nice bridge! I look forward to it and its twin in-situ.
  3. George, VERY tasty looking now. The primer really balances it all out. Can't wait to see her all painted and weathered. It's a fine kit.
  4. That...has made my day.
  5. A lovely layout and great inspiration. I like the red brick arched walls, capoby and general station frontage. Looks like a fair bit of work has gone in, and it doesn't have a "kit" look about it. After 7 years of "I'll get round to it", I should finally have my base boards in place in the next fortnight!
  6. David, I'm in absolute awe to your attention to detail and how straightforward you make it look. A great design philosophy. I will certainly use your thread as inspiration for the AEC railcar, if I ever get around to attempting it. At least I have a blueprint approach now!
  7. Hah! You can sing that one. It must be the fact we're all no more than 3 generations from the land.
  8. I'd better say hello to my lathe this evening then
  9. (want,want,want)^n+1
  10. Great stuff George. It's like bieng there, looking over your shoulder.
  11. CIE jobby? 4th it. The Bell reefer is lovely, but were tyhey on the irish system?
  12. George. For future assistance, I will be making Sambre & Meuse buffers available post the Ammonia Rake.
  13. Oh that's just lovely. Very distinctive.
  14. I've been doing a bit of research and can clarify that the bogie used by CIE is actually a Y33 with sensor loading. It's detailed on the Sambre & Meuse website. http://www.sambreetmeuse.fr/?fond=produit&id_produit=7&id_rubrique=1 This German site provides more technical info. http://www.drehgestelle.de/6/Y25_ba33.html So there yez are. Now to get them cast and available!
  15. And the weekend to peruse it. Sweet!
  16. Oh Vicar!! I'm deeply tempted....
  17. Wow, that looks lovely, a fine kit, well done George, glad you didn't resist temptation.
  18. Holy crap, that permanent way is as rough as a badger's posterior.
  19. Dee lightful job George. Looks v. fine.
  20. And here's the main feature lads!
  21. Top view photo of the 42 footer View of the barrier wagon internal cradle. George Norman's photos really helped here!!
  22. Some more photos to come. But here's one showing that while a skeletal construction, it can take the weight of a full 0.5 litre can in its stride
  23. I'm blushin Richie, too kind! They were a fair challenge to design. I wanted to capture their skeletal "emptiness" and iron angle build, and yet make it simple to construct. In essence, it is a top, foldable spine and ends...with detailing (angle iron cross braces, buffer back ends, handwheels and brake mechanism). Nothing more.
  24. Glad y'all like it. As it's a test etch, I've learnt a lot building it that will be put into the production version. N'uff said. Yes, the Y23's will be available as a seperate purchase (wheels, castings, etched bogie frame).
  25. And here's the 42' Bogie Flat test etch.
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