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Dunluce Castle

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Everything posted by Dunluce Castle

  1. Oo works in this months model rail mag. Nelson
  2. Heard about this recently, very sad news, a great loss to the model railway world.
  3. I hope your not going to attempt to do the whole ship dad has a 1/72 Bismarck on the go and still isn't complete 10 years later, nice job btw.
  4. brilliant news!!!!!! I can't wait for the UG class, finally at long last a RTR steam engine.
  5. anyone seen this yet? I have and it's absolutely awesome! Highly recommend it 10/10.
  6. Pencil and paper of the best way!
  7. If only it was true ....... Someone needs to tell them to update their site
  8. Don't mind if I do, been looking at one for ages
  9. I reckon Leslie would have some info regarding that particular wagon as he was looking at producing it some time ago. Could be wrong tho.
  10. If I have the time today Eoin, I'll take a few photos of ours, they are wonderful wee locos aren't they, they can't haul anyone one but still nice none the less.
  11. These machines are awesome, have a look at what they can do here http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/104851-the-coronation-the-silhouette-mr-jenkinson-and-me/ superb
  12. My thoughts and prays are with all those people who's families have been affected by these awful attacks. Forum rules state btw "[2] This is an English language message board. If you must include a body of text in another language, please provide a translation (e.g. using Google Translate)."
  13. O gauge turf burner going for cheap, should be easy enough to motorise? http://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/311472546089
  14. Thank you everyone for your very kind comments, I really do appreciate them a lot, thank you!
  15. Hello everyone, Wow has it really has been nearly 2 months since I've done any railway modelling well you can blame school for that but now I'm back on track and this is my latest model a Ex North British 3 plank wagon, instead of using a plain plasticard sheet and scribing on the planks, I tried out some pre scribed plasticard, it turned out alright I felt. although you have to double up the plasticard because the backs aren't scribed and the sheets are quite thin, but overall I think it's a better method and easier to do. The straps are Alan Gibson and axle boxes are four most models. I don't know wether to paint it now or wait until I finish another few wagons and paint them all together, just depends on how I'm feeling. Btw if anyone wants to scrutinise my work an image of the wagon can be found on page 39 of "LNER wagons volume 3" Thanks Nelson
  16. The gatwicks belong to the RPSI but because there's not enough room at whitehead they are being stored at Dundalk for a short period of time until some space has been made at whitehead
  17. Interesting model Kieran, I wonder what would have happened if the freight service was still in use today, maybe freight on the maninline?
  18. Funnily enough I can remember buying the first issue for 99p? And cutting the brass to use on other projects, that was ages ago haha. Looking forward to seeing this one progress Eoin!
  19. Excellent news lads, here's to successful future! (don't worry it's only fanta in the glass )
  20. I'm loving the new look, very nice and modern! Well done. Just an observation tho there seem to be something behind the "Irish railway modeller" title in the upper right hand corner I think it says "forums" is this deliberate or a mistake?
  21. Great stuff!
  22. I seem them when going to coleraine, been there forever by the looks of it, I was last up last year.
  23. From the RPSI website "Not too many years after arrival the RPSI obtained a bigger tender for No.186 which has given greater capacity and allowed the engine to travel all over Ireland. Unfortunately, the tender is not a J15 tender (not sure but we think its from a 400 class). It does look slightly out of proportion with the rest of the loco."
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