Hello everyone,
The 12 ton van has been put on hold because I didn't have any roof vents and plastistruct to complete it, but I will get some soon and continue it soon, In the meanwhile I've started a Cambrian LMS 5 plank wagon kit and here's how it's at so far with the interior planks painted.
Please do tell me what you think?
Many thanks
Fantastic, thanks for the heads up, got it for the iPad, works a treat, thanks for sharing, im definitely going to use this for my scratch built wagons.
I'm sorry if this is a silly question or I've missed it mentioned here, but.
How did you sand the roof down to that smooth perfect finish? It looks fab and hornbys plastic can be tough sometimes?
Here is how it stands so far.
Due to school and clubs etc.. It's progressing slowly, but I am getting there.
This pic shows the inside supports.
Any comments are very welcome and appreciated.
Many thanks
Looks superb, well done, I have one and built it into UTA Green (although mines not prototypical for UTA it still looks good) I will look forward to future updates.
Hi there.
Welcome to the forum.
A company called provincial wagons do some CIE wagons which a few are left.
Here's the website http://www.provincialwagons.com/index.html
Highly recommended.