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Everything posted by spudfan

  1. Don't hide them. Be brazen show the Mrs who is the boss, then let us know if it is feasible to build a layout in a tent.
  2. When you say to the wife "Well I can't take it with me" and she says "You could leave it to me.". You have reached your spending limit.
  3. I always found them a very good company to deal with. In yesteryear I was a subscriber to their mailing list. Used to come in four or five closely typed pages!
  4. That is a wonderfully evocative photograph. Sadly not all Januarys are like that. Up until yesterday (31st January)there was still frozen patches of snow on the aptly named Sliabh Snaght. I was elsewhere on Monday and any pools had a light covering of ice.
  5. Not as young as I was to "earn" any more....
  6. Well the wife caught me browsing this thread and she said. "So Mr Murphy has some new models coming out and I suppose you will want to get one? Well you know what that means...." Thank God to who ever invented the light switch.
  7. It appears since this announcement has been made, Iarnród Éireann are considering purchasing all future motive power from IRM.
  8. Felt like it last week....
  9. Had the help in to clean up after storm ISHA this week.
  10. They are expensive and they are a luxury. If you want to run Irish trains, well you will need one at least. It is discretionary spend, if your household budget can afford it. Going on previous batches, they will look and run well. The trouble being that not everyone who wanted these to arrive may have the money to hand. I do not know what the batch number produced will amount to, but I would predict that given the size of the market for Irish Railway stock just enough were produced to make the issue financially viable. They will not be available for stockist to reorder so factoring all of this in to the equation I would say you will be lucky if there are any available to buy this time next year. Finances dictating, get in while you can. Things are expensive for Irish railway modellers right now considering what has hit the market and what is to come. As has been stated a number of times, who would have thought modellers of the Irish Railway scene would have to budget for numerous releases. If you can afford it buy what you want. In times to come when you get your dream railway up and running, not much point then rueing the fact that you missed out on one of these.
  11. Inishowen, County Donegal.
  12. Two storms with lots of rain and there is still snow lying on the heights. Summer ain't here yet....
  13. Had snow Tuesday until Saturday. Was as cold as it looks. Leg deep in places. Could not photograph the wind.
  14. Comments welcome...
  15. Still lighting up the outside home made Christmas tree!!
  16. This is an interesting piece on the new "green" hydrogen power for locomtives. How "green" is the production of the new "green "fuel? Both are very good reads. Traction Technology: Are hydrogen locomotives the next big thing? Traction Technology: Are hydrogen locomotives the next big thing? | In depth | Railway Gazette International Gas-fuelled freight locomotive under development Gas-fuelled freight locomotive under development | News | Railway Gazette International If the links do not work, I will copy/paste the texts.
  17. Yep, I was younger then. Cycled from Drimnagh to site on Ballybrack every morning, then home in the evenings! Lots of tales from the site but things were different then.
  18. And I had to cycle from the site in Ballybrack to where I lived in Drimnagh after all of that!!!
  19. I remember in the late seventies I was working on a building site and I walked on a nail which went into my foot. So I was taken to the nearest hospital for a tetanus shot. When getting the tetanus shot, I was told "Don't tense up", but I did. The needle broke and the tip lodged in my lower regions. It was a painful day.
  20. Good point. Probably "Do it, or walk".
  21. I hope that rope has the CE certification mark.
  22. Very good thread depth....
  23. I was checking the spare tyre on the car, so I decided to check the wife's spare tyre as well....
  24. This is NOT my mrs....
  25. Nah...too much paperwork involved.....
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