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Everything posted by rebelred

  1. Thanks Popeye, i used 'Revel Email Color' SM 364 which i got in Marks Models. The vans in the pictures weren't fully finished when i took the photos, i added another coat of yellow, glued down any loose stripes & added number plates to some of them.
  2. Honestly Noel, this coach rolled off the table & the roof came off (only damaged a bogie) so i took advantage but there are clips running along the length of coach so if you squeeze the roof along the sides the roof should lift & you might need to lift the roof above the gangways using a flat tool - id take off the gangways at the end first- they just pop out. The cravens are different, i want to do the same with mine. My passengers are a mixture of Noch sitting people, half had no legs so they were easy to put in, the ones with the legs dont fit flush so put glue on their arses & top of their backs & that held them in place!
  3. I modified the interior of one of my Mark 2 coaches, painted the seats,floors & added some passengers. I also painted the gangway doors & warning panels a Dayglow colour instead of the original red.
  4. I added warning stripes to the back of my Garda & railway vans,hope ye like them....
  5. Why would you be posting a table, you're gonna need some size envelope!!!
  6. ...til i make a balls of it & run to you guys to bail me out!!!!!!!
  7. I wouldn't get too hung up on those little details. Irish Rail always had a 'unique' maintenance program with their locos which gave each Loco a unique characteristic like attaching orange doors & wipers to a black & silver 071 Loco, different paint jobs to the same Liveries etc, thats what makes modelling so much fun- you can customise your Locos to your own favourite ones!!
  8. You could always paint them (horns) i suppose.
  9. Didn't know that, will do that if the gluing doesn't work, thanks
  10. I want that layout! I'd have some fun 'playing trains' on that!!!! Christ! there is some amount of track points on it!! Can't wait to see this one develope good luck!
  11. I might be able to help you out with the bogies, i have 3 Lima coaches & i'm using one a 'guinea pig' for a re-spray, if it turns out to be a disaster you can have the bogies off it ( they won't be touched) I'll let you know if im getting rid
  12. What Loco's are you selling Paudie?
  13. Cheers lads, appreciate the help & advice
  14. tried to Glue it but it wont hold
  15. Thanks Bos, would you know where i could get a spare MM Mark 2 bogie? when I was sawing last night one of my coaches rolled off the table! The small piece on top of the Bogie that slots in to the chasis cracked On the plus side I know how to get the roof off those coaches now!!! Luckily that was the only damage!
  16. Free Baseboard with every Loco That should shift them!!!!!!
  17. Here is my Mark 2 EGV, haft to say the weathering really brings the model to life. Love these models!!!
  18. Very nice!! So jealous!!!! A busy xmas ahead for you so Tom!!! Got sorted with the auto ballasters aswell cheers mate
  19. How long did the flat take you to put together Noel? Looks fab!
  20. She's out on a test/trial run Warbonnet, decals have yet to be added.
  21. I got mine today aswell finally completing my Mark 2 rake after a few years trying everywhere & being out bid on numerous occasions! !! Was gonna put photos up later but you got there first Noel! Haft to 'Dirty' the other coaches to match my van next. I agree aswell - class work from Seamus!
  22. Mark 2As are the airbrake coaches ( Bachmann produced models of them) The ones in the photos are the Mark 2 vacuum brake coaches. They both poped up all over the system throughout their lifespan. The Mark2a used to come in to Cork on a Sunday service towards the end of their lifespan before they were axed. Might have been 2004???
  23. Can I ask who will be behind the Mark IV / 22k models or is it still classified?? Great news that someone is tackling them looking forward to seeing how they turn out
  24. Looks great Al, you need to kick that son of yours out now!!! Can't wait to see it progress,welcome on board!!
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