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Everything posted by JasonB

  1. Sounds like my type of day, can I come too
  2. Always a story to accompany the fantastic pictures.I'll never get bored of Tara Junction
  3. 6 nations finally came to life this weekend, really enjoyed watching France beating England wasn't expecting it at all, have to agree Richie I think Scotland were better than the table will finally show but it's been that type of championship this year.
  4. That is a monster piece of scenic work , very impressive.
  5. Fantastic scene Noel, love the stacker it looks great.Brilliant as always
  6. Fixing the roof and handrails to both vans was a little trickier than I expected but I got there in the end. Next job is to sort the chassis' and make up the ploughs, once that's done its on to the painting.
  7. I was two days into this when IRM announced that they plan to release the Plough Van as one of their future projects So more than likely these will eventually end up in a siding but as the saying goes I've started so I'll finish.Like anything I've previously tried from SSM, Des has made it as easy as he possibly can for anyone building one of his kits so it has gone together without any hassle so far. Before I tackle getting the roof on I've added some plasticard to the interior of the veranda just to bulk up the appearance of the uprights a little, and I've also added some bracing to the central section to help keep everything rigid.
  8. Top notch.The detail on both buildings is fantastic, inside and out.
  9. Damn you IRM.I only started on my two plough vans yesterday to compliment your fantastic ballast wagons Anybody fancy two partly built plough vans... Anybody ?
  10. Don't know about anybody else, but I'm starting to feel how Jack Nicholson did in The Shining
  11. Looking forward to this Robbie, have some of these tucked away myself.I've been meaning to order some detailing kits from SSM before I get going on them.
  12. It's tough at the top Fran, but these are the sacrifices that have to be made
  13. I like it Fran, that's why your head of sales at IRM
  14. Nice work Noel.What do plan on using for the load eventually, seeds etc tend to go manky after a while.
  15. Very brave man, you wouldn't catch me doing it.But when you think about it... Tara's /Wedding fund it's worth the risk
  16. Looks like Noel is going to fight to see another day, now that he won't be facing Mr Bracken and his boxing gloves.Looking forward to the announcement on what the future projects are going to be
  17. Class work.I can see why they were snapped up.
  18. About a year and half ago I was contemplating investing in rake of these from another source.In the end I decided I wouldn't for a couple of reasons.So good things do come to those who wait.But as Rich has said in a previous post these aren't just good their special.
  19. Have to give it to you Noel you're persistent, you never miss a chance to slip that one in.
  20. Absolutely love this layout, it just goes to show that sometimes keeping things simple can be very very effective.Some modellers over think and over complicate their layouts nowadays resulting in too much trackwork cramped into too little space.For me this layout not only looks great but oozes atmosphere to go with it.
  21. Slight improvement on Medical Problem
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