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The Derry Road

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Everything posted by The Derry Road

  1. kits are available from ian mc nally of MIR on ebay under, Anhydrous Ammonia Tanker Wagon Kit. TDR
  2. Noel, this is made from Peco points and is one piece, the joints and I can only see two, are difficult to spot. The builder makes different varations as well as taking commissions for other configurations, TDR
  3. LISNEAL ROAD Hi everybody Just a quick update as track laying should start very shortly on the layout, I have had this point work expertly constructed for me and its been tested on DC and DCC and works perfectly. Very pleased with the workmanship, this will also save about 5 inches on the length should I had used separate points. Its total length is 465mm and also been constructed to Peco centres at 51mm. The difference can be seen in the pictures of the compactness of this piece of work
  4. Hi All. Quick up date on Lisneal Road Layout Some pictures of the track components in place on two of the boards to test the look and make sure it all fits. Folding legs are currently under construction, and will be fixed in place with the back scene boards. Actual laying of the track hopefully will begin by the end of the month.
  5. LISNEAL ROAD A new layout in 4mm scale on three base boards each measuring 4ft long and 1ft 8ins wide having a double track approach from fiddle yard to platforms 1 & 2 with sidings into a loco depot having a 3 road maintenance shed, a two road shed for body repairs and painting, fuelling point and wash area and stabling point, The third board not shown is the storage roads.TDR
  6. Hi all Its been a while since I have been on here to contribute, just over a year. But Im back and hopefully puting up some progress on the layout and announcing a new layout called "Lisneal Road". Its size is 12ft long x 1ft 8ins wide, featuring DCC sound, consisting of double track approach into two Platforms and loco servicing yard Rachelstown and St stephens green, is coming on and will remain in its fixed position where as Lisneal Road will be portable and hopefully open to exhibition invitations when complete, I will be opening a new thread for Lisneal Road shortly for anyone to view the track plan and follow its building progress. TDR
  7. Totally agree Noel, Your first picture, i thought this a very detailed layout, great to meet up with yourself, Kirley, Hunslett 102, Dhu Varren and a few others, missed the chance to talk to IRM reps but still purchased 12 of their superb wagons, looking forward to and planning next years visit. Highly recommended show
  8. Some great shots Noel. Always a treat to see the different angles of the rolling stock. Brilliant, well done TDR
  9. Noel superb as always, keep up the good work I have a question if I may, where did you get the irish rail billboards displayed on you layout? Regards TDR
  10. Thanks everyone for your kind comments TDR
  11. Hi all having made the change to DCC I decided to change the cumbersome black box control panel, below are the new slim line perspex facias that will replace it.
  12. Superb modelling, very realistic, well done TDR
  13. super job well done TDR
  14. Nelson, I don't know if he has any plans to go on line with his range, but the wagons planned for release/reintroduction are 1, Tara mines wagon-due end February 2017 2, Ammonia tanker, mk2 version with lighter resin tank. 3, Fertliiser wagon 4, Bogie cement wagon No further info at this time There is more than one supplier out there, and if there is a market, some one will produce.TDR
  15. Nelson I got a letter accompanying a transfer catalogue form Ian a few months ago, He is to be trading from the same address and phone number. Catalogue shows the same range of transfers, name plates and some accessories. he is also reintroducing some of the wagons. TDR
  16. Well put Noel + 1 TDR
  17. Enjoyed the exhibition at Bangor albeit much the same as last year, met up with Kieran and had a brief chat with MikeO. He had a cement train on display which caught my eye, quite impressed Mike. Visited “Campbell Riverside” layout belonging to Irishmail of this parish but missed John, he must had been on a break. To top the day off I got the opportunity of seeing Kirley Junction running. What a treat to see such superb modelling skills on display on a layout that catches your eye no matter which way you turn to view it. Kieran, thanks again for your hospitality TDR
  18. As a qualified heating engineer with many many years expeience the use of plumbers flux is suitable to use with caution, it contains an acid that becomes very active when heated, it must be thourghly cleaned after use otherwise it will start turning bright green and eventually corode the material TDR
  19. rinse throughly with cold water then wash with luke warm soapy water, and dry well. TDR:-bd never tried the fluid on resin
  20. any fourm members attending on Saturday, TDR:trains:
  21. I've been spray painting models for 25+ years and concur with glenderg's method. I've left coach bodies submerged for days in brake fluid and it works without any damage to the plastic. TDR
  22. Noel, nice piece of filming,TDR:tumbsup:
  23. Kieran superb as always, well done Sir. TDR:tumbsup:
  24. Paul welcome to the forum, you'll find lots of help and tips on here. Good luck with the layout, any pictures TDR:trains:
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