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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Terry Wogan, a household name on both sides of the pond. Just heard the news a coupe of hours ago. Did not know he was ill nor did many from what I understand. Pretty young to pass in this day and age. RIP
  2. I'll take two, John
  3. That will be really cool for personal use or to sell when Halloween comes !
  4. … and may the survivors reap the rolling stock
  5. Done, Harry!
  6. THat's very impressive, railwayman, very impressive. Nice touch the track work at the bank,. Love that covered wagon=D
  7. Artistic license would allow the creation of Gráinne and Deirdre. I'll take those please Won't be needing the bubbles then, just the 'cement' powder please 3 clues? I'd second that (actually I think I proposed it) but they won't do it, I think:( An A class would sell way more I'd bet Any ideas as to the livery? Personally I'm hoping for orange or that beautiful steely blue-grey that someone posted a month back, maybe Glenderg, can't remember off hand, will dig it out later. Hoping for not another ivory with powdered muck melded to it but that's just personal choice
  8. They had very economical shipping rates for overseas and their website was very transparent making all the VAT and shipping calculations at checkout rather than "we'll send you a quote later". Staff exceptionally nice to deal with also
  9. Very cool, Bren! Darken the chain mail in the facial area as much as possible with something matt so there are no reflections from the links. My recollection of the King Angmar there, are that there is a deep 'void' in the facial region
  10. Probably right. I guess you buy it on eBay then
  11. Thanks for that information. It seems I have numbers for the gypsums that are indeed correct then.
  12. Do the white metal or brass components create any electrical problems actually fitting these with a DCC chip (like, say, a split chassis loco)? How easy would it be to access the boiler to place a DCC chip as I assume parts may not just unclip like in plastic locomotives?
  13. Pender & Richards book (1967) refers to these four wagons introduced in 1954 for carrying gypsum. It details only wagons that were introduced by CIE although refers to other types (not tabulated in the book) that were inherited by CIE. I don't have an older reference than this. The 26666- series has 29 wagons seemingly on a 9'6" wheelbase but introduced as late as 1972. It's possible that a subset of the 12'0" ballast wagons also functioned as gypsums. If anyone has details of which ones would you please post these?
  14. http://europe.nxtbook.com/nxteu/zahra/em_20130607/index.php?device=accessible&pg=25 Mentioned on here but I can't identify any on the photos
  15. Touché, hehehe
  16. Almost like you read my mind, Chris. I was wondering the same thing the day before yesterday while running some MM stock round a couple of ovals with switches. Just a shade off and they won't couple easily and occasional uncoupling with any blemish in the track work like a point etc. There has already been a thread on here in the last few month concerning uncoupling on gradients:(
  17. I looked at Locos & Rolling Stock of CIE & NIR Doyle/Hirsch 2nd Ed. ('81) for the numbers for the gypsums and could only find one series 26666-94 on a 9'6" wheelbase. Initially I thought this was a error/typo so I got my hand on the 3rd Ed. 1987 where the same catalogue appears. Were there two separate sets of 20T gypsums as these ballasts (and just about everything else after the earlier 10' wheelbase wagons) are on a 12' wheelbase? :confused:
  18. Most of the traditional irish breeds would have been Dexters (small stocky black, red) Kerry (larger, black) Some Moiled Cattle (red & white) Herefords also seem to be relatively common(red) but more recent I think. Occasional Jersey hanging around homesteads but much rarer. Friesians (black & white) are a newer breed. Somebody with a more intensive farming background may be able to oblige with timing details.
  19. I'd prioritize as follows. Supertrain full rake. EGVs and Restaurant would have to be correct for Irish prototypes. Much easier than respraying this rake. Also P-P set and incomplete set in IE (maybe full rake and get rid of my incomplete Lima rake)
  20. Cover all bases, …. or not great at arithmetic
  21. Does anyone know if the Loksound 3.5 DS decoder can be reblown with new sound files or just the 4.0? There is a bewildering array of Bachmann class 20s out there and none too cheap. Figuring which have directional lighting is an issue also
  22. YOu could be with there, JB. I didn't realize how popular these were in terms of road freight way back when Some interesting old news paper clippings on CIE truck haulage et al.
  23. Maybe someone who has ordered one could confirm this for certain?
  24. During the week, I was lucky enough to get up close with one of Union Pacific's mainline locomotives, General Electric's AC45CCTE, so I thought I'd post a few shots as there seems to be a few UP fans on the site Union Pacific classes the General Electric Evolution Series 4400hp ES44AC with AC traction motors as "C45ACCTE". Currently UP is the only railroad who uses the Controlled Tractive Effort software which reduces the tractive effort by the rear locomotive in lighter top'n'tailed freight trains to reduce derailment risk for lighter wagons in the middle of the train Head to head 'Bag of bits' Front Bogie UP operates 938 production ES44AC units in addition to other variants
  25. I was considering using the rtr version rather than the kit just to minimize the amount of construction for the novice modeler. http://dapol.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&path=177_60_87_159&product_id=457 I think they come glazed, with interiors but obviously you would need to do a lot of work to realign the interior (and not tho sure what to do with brakes and GSVs). Obviously there is a compromise of 6mm to be made for the prototypical coaches to be reduced from 61'6" to 60' to for the Stanier Period 3 coaches. The prototype was 9'11" wide by comparison with the Park Royals and some other which were 10'2"(1mm in OO) I don't have a reference for the British LMS prototypes and found it difficult to source the prototypical dimensions online (width). Would appreciate any information on this and how well the Dapol OO model conforms to that prototype
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