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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Yes, began to see the pattern! Easy to figure it out all of a sudden. Thanks!
  2. 088 Supertrain.bmp So for 071s, the number one cab end is on the right with the side steps offset nearer the number one cab and the large body grille adjacent to the Number 2 can along with the roof fans, correct?
  3. So the Number 1 end is on the right with the steps slightly offset to nearer the No. 1 cab and the grille on the left adjacent No.2. Roof grille also nearer to No.2
  4. Is it possible to post a photo of that, Railer? I don't have any MM 201 boxes and could not find a good photo of the box online. I'm never quite sure which cab end is which on 141s, 071s and 201s. If anyone could post a photo of each to help ID the ends, that would be very helpful
  5. Well, definitely raised some interest and sold for £208.00!
  6. Metal kit, maybe of interest to permanent way enthusiasts http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/291477784143?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  7. I have only got five of the Kilkenny's but put behind the grey Bachmann Woolwich with it 'gold' flyling snail and they look great
  8. Same here, Noel, Next year's spending done all at once, I think. Looking forward to that layout progressing, some super trackwork on it!
  9. Problem with attachment I think. Would like to see it if possible please
  10. Nice job, minister:-bd I wish we had a resources section where we could catalog these for reference. Great shots!
  11. Was the Dapol?-made Lyon's Tea anything like the prototype or that is fictional too (suspect the latter). Any pictures of Ranks or Denny's?
  12. I do not think the geography is the problem, London-Paris approx 213 miles. Belfast-Cork approx 213 miles, no chunnel required, although the population density is obviously an impediment
  13. I'm pretty sure they must have shifted a lot of stock all the same. Doubt that greater reductions will happen I guess you got 24 hours grace period if you had forgotten it was ending. The sale is finished online. Usual prices are back:(
  14. Some oddities albeit on the coaches rather than the loco
  15. They will refund it as a separate post sale refund. The site is not equipped to do it automatically. They do not have to pay VAT for your purchase but they need to have a proof of export to UAE. Email Mark or Graham
  16. That's likely to have been an interim arrangement (just stick on a new logo until the next repaint) I would have thought
  17. Very timely, Kieran. I often wonder about a lot of these. THis would be a great general sticky when fully updated (if required)
  18. You need to ship to your present location, can't ship to Ireland (where they post FOC)
  19. Yes, I had the cart full of Mk2 STs and deleted them. Got a single one for conversion only. Regarding delivery, Marks pretty much charges a fixed rate regardless of what in your cart. They'll refund EU VAT (divide your purchase price by 1.23) after the purchase which would offset your shipping costs to a non-EU location if you email them.
  20. Hi Noel, Yes, I agree with all of this. My liking for the 071s has gone up since the sale and I got several. The 201s are long and I got a single one again in the same livery as yours R Maine (also for nostalgic reasons). Very happy with my fleet right now:-bd
  21. OMG! I just realized that this can be purchased on iTunes!
  22. I noticed that the picture of 185 does not have the 7 grilles/vents on the front of the loco that were a characteristic of 181 loco (versus 141s). Were these removed at some point between delivery and their life during the IE period? Looked online and saw others without them so your photo is not an oddity it would seem. Anybody know what they were for?
  23. Well, Thank God, sanity prevailed , and it'll be waiting for you when you get there (hopefully the missus too (if you have one)…. although less likely) She's a beautiful thing (the loco, I'm sure the missus too), I got one also, and the weathered 085 …… Superb! Love them as much as the 141s (hope Noel's not listening )
  24. Did get them but ran them today effectively for the first time. It's really annoying that they come with the bogie reversed and I had to take an axle out of each to turn the coupling outwards for running. The bogies are flimsy and the axles don't reseat convincingly. I do like the body even though they aren't prototypical and they look well behind a 141 in B'n'T where the light tan of the coach looks faded. Too light for an MM Supertrain but pretty close for the Black and Tan. THey do wobble a bit though and I'm not sure how to rectify that. Not sure if it's just the design or quality of the bogies. Maybe a little weight added somewhere or maybe it's not remediable to any significant degree. Any thoughts? PS I have one coupling that "right-handed" instead of the usual 'left'- Closer inspection reveals they coupling was out on upside down but the coupling hook was the right way up. Hopefully just prize it off and invert it
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