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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Ok, that makes sense now. Pretty much knew Streamline didn't mean anything as such. That finescale thing was boring a hole in my brain. So what's true scale for broad gauge track then? i.e. how high is a prototypical rail? I guess I can do the maths after that
  2. Can someone just clarify what the difference between code 100, fine scale and what is streamline about Peco's streamline 100?
  3. Paul, I'm considering Code 75 but the discussion on here will help you a bit regarding wheels etc http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/3484-Old-Dapol-amp-Lima-CIE-Wagons-on-Peco-Code-75-track
  4. Looks great, Noel! Hmmm, ….. may need to get me one of those:trains: Is the GSV from IFM also?
  5. John, thanks for your PM. I'll commit to one heating van early design and likely a second in the later variation (or, if I understood correctly, two kits with variations contained therein)
  6. Sorry, but I typo'd one of the numbers and then filled in the livery to match the number Corrected: (remaining boxes being sought) 141 original (came in the wrong box MM0141A) 156IR 161sa Supertrain 181 CIE Black 182 Supertrain 188 CIE Black 190sa Supertrain Please PM me if you have one of these boxes that is superfluous to your requirements. Thank you, Kevin
  7. Anyone have contact details from Railway modeller or otherwise?
  8. Very nice set of photos, Jim. GSR, I think you're likely to find a lot of similar buildings in the O' Dea collection that would help you reconstruct this 'in the day'
  9. I think the one in your picture has a huge sinkhole within the lock hence the dates are correctly positioned:facepalm:
  10. A Class was right. MM00187 found and winging its way here. Would be willing to swap my extra MM0171 for 071 class Supertrain MM0086. Latter might be used but must be in good cosmetic condition and working order. PM me if interested. Thank you!
  11. 187 located and in transit. Baby GMs collection complete (except for boxes) http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/4552-DON-T-Burn-the-Box!-……-141-181-Class-Baby-GMs
  12. Yes, that's a rip-off. MOst on eBay have been damaged, bits missing, gates 'repaired' or missing etc. Don't intend to pay that, may have to do without. Scalescenes doesn't look bad. May look into that. Tks
  13. PM sent
  14. I am not sure if it is typical, but I recommend Kirley's design!
  15. PM sent earliler
  16. How much weight would you save? How much would it cost in relation to a 'traditional' design? What's a balancer skin?...........
  17. I though the timber trains had ceased based on posts/pics that I had seen on various sites, Noel. Although, maybe previously they came from Sligo?
  18. Sofa?..... as long as the layout fits in there that's all that matters:-bd
  19. So you're saying that if the train were to derail the center rail(s) are to guide the derailed flanges along the sleepers more or less along the route rather than (say) straying all the way across, off the permanent way where the outside wheel would then fall off and the loco overturn?
  20. 141s are the new camels
  21. So if the Supertrain EGVs seemed to match perfectly with white 'tippex' lines added, doensn't that mean there is a whole rake of individually numbered non-black roofed coaches out there that could be used for the same purpose?
  22. Richie, I think your stock is in everyone's collection. PM me re the MK III when you can . No rush EDIT: FIVE zeros, not four. That can't be all OO! G, liver steam or a light gauge railway perhaps? Are we talking Peter Waterman here?
  23. I rest my case! Seriously?! That's at least Eur10. I'm spending more on trains;)
  24. Great job with that building, Rich! Very nice work.
  25. I'd be interested in that when you get a chance, Eoin
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