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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. yea, it didn't look right but had to know
  2. The rules regarding VAT and importation are pretty well established in some statute, I'm sure. Based on what is being stated in this thread An Post would by a preponderance of the evidence likely to be in contractual breach due to its failure to correctly and fairly execute its obligations, without adequate remedy, redress or financial compensation to a large unknown number of users. The bottom line being the most important component of this to An Post is where appropriate resolution should be sought in the form of a class action as individual actions will not yield any satisfactory outcome ... just sayin' like
  3. Was supposed to be done before 1pm today, didn't happen as usual so I missed the Webinar. Time zones ....
  4. The order is quite telling there ..... After you, BOS @BosKonay
  5. Some very interesting old stock on there A56 in silver, second coach appears to be an old GSR corridor composite? followed by a 4 wheel guards van with side lookout in the middle of the rake. A22, also at Cork Glanmire Road engine shed c. 1960
  6. AT 2:40 on that video you can also see the zinc wagons introduced c. 1967 for the Silvermines-Foynes zinc ore traffic
  7. @Noel and others use Kadees a lot. I’m trying to remember but maybe #19 or one of each to make up the correct closest coupling distance its already on a thread somewhere on Noel’s workbench I’d say maybe here
  8. B107 above is at Cork, in silver I would think. Snatchers very rare on the B101s, I don't think I've ever seen photos of any others, as for in person, that's before my time. I don't know id they were fitted in green livery or black but certainly not in Supertrain
  9. Computers operate to a protocol as they're basically a dumb binary system of electrical pulses, whereas the fine minds that work this taxation system .................. more drink!
  10. Don't disagree, I was thrown by the roof shadows and door and thought there was five on there, good location info by the NI lads I'm guessing that would be a WT then?
  11. About 1988. The driving trailer and following coaches have received the NIR version of tippex stripes in the newer NIR IC blue. Might be a 5-coach winter timetabled Enterprise service propelled by the Hunslet at an intermediate stop I suppose
  12. Ah yea, I knew I had seen a picture of this somewhere without the yellow background. Should have looked in Ernies Archive first, lol
  13. Killarney early 60s Black/White/Black post with white stripe on red semaphore arm, spectacle plate surrounds white, ladder black. Black on top for contrast with arm I think. Reverse: Black stripe on white arm Reverse Tralee 1964 Lamp Holder Black Base of arm also black (although not universal) Boyle 1961 Slight curvature to base of red Also seen at Athlone (also MGWR) 1969, attachments to the post also contrasted against black Cork Late 60s Silver round galvanized Metal but semaphore is white and red Waterford Reverse side of metal gantry, base and tops still black as at Cork Then there's an oddball somersault thingy at Askeaton, second signal appears to be the same
  14. That'd almost be a scale 400,000 miles! I wonder if the Crossley engined As would be up to the task Anyone know how many miles the average A class would have put up in 35-40 odd years? Might have been more than that 100 miles/day x300 day x 30 years adds up!
  15. Absolutely. The barytes wagons may also have been used for shale prior to the introduction of the later open top bogie shale wagons https://www.flickr.com/photos/152343870@N07/50905134803/in/photolist-2kyj84Z-dWcz2K
  16. A totally modern station with no personnel, Wifi, Chargers or Toilets!
  17. These are Barytes Wagons with side doors that drop flat to become access ramps for a bulldozer to empty them out the other side https://www.flickr.com/photos/irishrailwayarchive/51030510502/in/photolist-2k4krku-ronnKi-2kKoGTY-2iG6h8s-2iG7LHc-2iG6gWA-dWibNq-qHtymH-24ejU7L-2kwbLLk-pEtTHF-pWE8Vg-2kwbLF5-2kwfseA/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/152343870@N07/40188564632/in/photolist-2k4krku-ronnKi-2kKoGTY-2iG6h8s-2iG7LHc-2iG6gWA-dWibNq-qHtymH-24ejU7L-2kwbLLk-pEtTHF-pWE8Vg-2kwbLF5-2kwfseA/
  18. GO have a pint and watch the offspring run the rails
  19. This is the world as it is now, empowerment of the gombeen without culpability or recourse. Revolutions have occurred for less
  20. I was wondering the same?
  21. The entire train is 1950s stock including the converted brake genie if I'm not mistaken, seen here late 70s. They persisted in BnT for quite some time
  22. You'd think it would be a little bigger than Z scale....
  23. Thanks for the info on the cars. Before my time, maybe more my parents era but used to hear my dad talk about them. I often wish there was a forum on Irish cars so that we could find appropriate vehicles to go with older layouts in particular (even if most of them will have British plate on.
  24. True, the only difference being that stops had to be requested at a Halt iirc. Hopefully you don't need to hitch a ride from the approaching train. A lot of platform looks almost enough for a 12 car set as I cannot see the near side. Tweets don't seem to universally support it (even longer journey times)
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