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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. OMG! I was about to say in that post that it seems like the guy is kinda familiar like I'd seen him before but then I thought 'naw', probably spotted him in some other old photos somewhere
  2. While everything Irish is welcome, I personally hope that's not the next offering. We won't have any say on the matter, that's long decided. I'd be far more interested in what it's shunting, with those then yes, I'd be all for an E class then. IRM seem disinclined to produce what cannot be physically measured. The Chaldron wagon by Accurascale is probably the oldest item they have produced, some extant examples in preservation just like a couple of E class at DCDR so its definitely a potential. We're pretty much into November so maybe an IRM announcement soon, there were a couple promised as I recall. Of course with all the production and logistics issues, the announcement may lag if IRM cannot deliver within the preferred time frame but we will see (there were some extra boxes as I recall)
  3. Very nostalgic. Day of the Slieve Cualann Railtour
  4. Just be aware that many of the images may have been colorized and color may be the 'artist's impression' as much as prototypically accurate
  5. A lot of European electricity is generated using natural gas instead of coal and that is in short supply. Pray for a mild winter or there will be a shortage by Feb 2022. That said there is some regulation between supply and cost. During an unexpected winter storm in Texas in early 2021, the Texas grid went down due to unprecedented demand, (and lack of winterization, general maintenance, an expected peak in summer, and lack of regulation et al.) . The temperature plummeted and prices instantly soared and those with power on a variable rate were paying $9/kW for several days. That not a typo, you'll need a calculator for the bill ($3-5k) Agree about the OHLE and I used to think the same of wind turbines but they have become a necessary ugliness on the landscape
  6. It's totally not my era at all and I bought a couple.
  7. Incorrectly reported by the Western People then I guess. Just not sure why a train needs to be delayed for 2 hours and the Gardai called. Another delay of 50 minutes during the Portarlington incident. Seems to me that his should be dealt with off the train, simply not acceptable to delay scores of other passengers who have things to do. On an almost daily/bi-daily basis I (eventually) pass an accident on the freeway where the G0b$h!t3 who could not wait three seconds to allow some other road user change lanes now has hours to spend sorting out the carnage that ensues, along with the hundreds of other road users who are inconvenienced by this completely unnecessary antisocial attitude to everyone else going about their business.
  8. A couple of extra days or weeks is not as important to me as having the things very well packed. There is simply no point in receiving them damaged. Where would the replacement come from? Received my first delivery with minor damage to 054 but then got A1 a couple of days ago in pristine condition with the box still shrink wrapped! Just be grateful it wasn't announced on February 29th or you'd all be waiting until 2024
  9. The Gardai were called and I have no idea why the train needed to be delayed more than 5 minutes beyond their arrival? What's wrong with this picture?
  10. BnM tippler in the shed at 0:30. Nice short, enjoyed that after after a crazy work day. Miss the home country
  11. That's why they call it Memory Foam, George, you can never forget that..... I have to agree with you. Pain in the the @$$ all those IRM gift vouchers I'm gonna PM you my address so you can send them on to me. Hope that helps your liver.
  12. To be honest I was thinking of getting a second one in dark green, but alas! Surprising that this sold so quickly like the BnT livery, must have been in smaller quantities. Were many painted into the dark green? Was considering a renumber. Might also do a light green with a stripe if I get brave enough
  13. Sambo was definitely at Inchicore, not sure of the loco pilot at Broadstone before closure
  14. The hope that we'll be able to pop into town for a few pence instead of a few pounds seems not to have realized. Still the Drumm railcars were ahead of their time but probably limited by the accumulators of the time
  15. Did you check the lights on DC first. I presume they are all working as per the switches on the loco? If you have multiple chips, install another and see what happens. You could try to reset the decoder CV8=8 , goes to factory settings and all mapping goes back to that specified in the tech sheet, Loco address back to 3 One of the 121s has a lighting issue but I think it is 129 off the top of my head Which Chip? 53614?
  16. Hard to believe that there is a summit to redesign coaching stock interiors. Railway operators have ignored customers opinions and needs in this regard for a considerable time
  17. Anyone able to give an unbiased opinion on the quality of the associated captioning? As erudite gricers of the steam era pass as the steam era itself has done, younger railway enthusiasts need a better understanding to appreciate the worth of the work. A photo may only be as good as the readers understanding of what is in the photo.
  18. 1921 The British leave Ireland (more than less), chaos ensues 2021 The British have left the EU, more chaos ....
  19. Would the new Pelletstown station qualify for this thread? Nothing at all as far as I can see
  20. I will say I was impressed with the box, plastic outer sleeve so the box is not scuffed or beaten to a pulp like so many other models, large box due to thick foam insert, outer plastic sleeve on formed plastic enclosure, the space between the holding the bag of bits. The molded plastic enclosure holds the loco securely at specific structural points, leaving finer parts suspended out of contact with anything else. The contact points are padded with moleskin to prevent scuffing where it contacts the model. But, yes, we might need a bigger boat ... lol I only got one of the dark lined green because I couldn't remember how many of them actually got that livery. Anyone know the details?
  21. Agreed, more likely broken in transit I guess. Surprising as the box is pretty beefy. There is a a leading axle looking at me behind there so I wanted to be sure the thing needed to be glued in the first place
  22. Very nice, Ernie. Love that layout, attention to detail is excellent, rocks, man working, blending foreground to background as mentioned previously. Top stuff! Cement bubbles look well behind the A. You deserve some play time away from the Archive (but we do enjoy it!)
  23. Probably what I'm going to do . I was just wondering if this was glued on in the first instance or just press fit?
  24. Well, after criticizing DHL on another thread, the shipment came through Cincinatti this time, might not have even landed and headed south. DHL surprised me by landing 4 IRM IR Class As on the door step tonight. Well packed, the IRM green packaging, not the parcel, more on that later. Took me about 5 minute to get it out of the packaging, nearly as Long as Sam's trains! lol No sooner out of the box than a tiny shepherd's crook of plastic falls to the floor from the leading axle of the bogie on the left side. Wondering if this is press fit or should have been glued on? Using the other cab as a comparison and trying to carefully avoid the adjacent steps (and the ones on the opposite side to avoid breakage), I tried to fit it back firstly with finger and then a tiny flat head screwdriver to no avail. Anyone know how to reattach this piece?
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