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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. This is a great watch! While listening to the commentary on the main subject matter is what is in the ensuing train or background. Equally interesting when you get near the 45 min mark are the sheer number of laminate such as composites, converted brake seconds, side corridor seconds running summer specials on the Cork-Youghal line. While I appreciate these are secondary stock the still operating in some volume in BnT in this video c. 1974 per the presenter Ciaran Cooney. What I didn't really expect to see was several GSR stock with running boards in BnT livery in that decade! Some other oddities of interest might be the gas tank drawn by a green A Class at 12:49. One of these has been modeled by a site member for use behind model steam traction but interesting to see it in in several places behind a prototypical diesel A class
  2. Agree plus pallet vans and a whole host of other stuff, but there is a serious lack of appropriate coaching stock from 1950s that lasted right thru into the 1980s
  3. Is that a 2162-71 series? Very much needed to follow the early As in silver and green liveries. @jhb171achillIncidentally what did a 1960s carriage wash consist of? Bucket of water and a yard brush from a platform?
  4. IRMs first GSWR item, now we're getting somewhere. I'll take a couple
  5. Dave, you might get more informative responses by moving this portion to the 20 and 40ft container thread to tbh. I have a general working knowledge but not enough to venture years when they would have been introduced, common in traffic and being phased out
  6. I think I know 4 lads that have a great CAD of an A class
  7. The layout would have to be small, or you, young If you did you’d increase the numbers modeling 21mm by 20% or so (a commonly quoted anecdote on this forum) That’s an idea that more than one of us has had, for instance a pop in rtr 21mm commonwealth bogie Agree with all of what you have said, and I’d need that much track also. I have yet to see someone make that much from scratch in 21mm, yet many replies intimating that anything is possible and some modelers are just lazy. Some modelers may just have real jobs and that’s the whole reason for needing something rtr in volume. There are several Irish prototypical points, the express points would be very large on most layouts but would look awesome. Again focusing on the shorter ones would suit many modeller with some flexitrack. Several years ago IRM had no intention of touching this (so definitely no one else would) and I’m open to correction but it doesn’t seem that that has changed at all. I do like this as a potential way forward if it commercially available with rtr frog available.
  8. Only one reason to delist a building, .... greasy palms
  9. Ah jayzus, it's no wonder there's a shortage of buffer beam enhancements and horns!
  10. The home page talks of 4mm and 7m scales but it seems to me that all the Irish stuff is probably 7mm, correct?
  11. I think that you can take it that Full IR means fully lined/fully repainted/re-liveried IR livery and anything else is a transitional livery with the 'temporary' rebranding with new logos on a precedent livery
  12. Dave, you've been in the sun too long
  13. It seems to me that the UK system has a little more practical import as there are models available for most periods, some more than others obviously (full disclosure, I no longer have any real interest in British modeling for the last 20 years) In an Irish setting most of the models being produced in recent times are mostly 1970s onwards with earlier eras substantially under represented or not at all, and I don't really see that changing. Sure there are possibilities to create many things when resorting to scratch building or kits, I understand that. The pre-1970s A Class are being produced solely (thank the Lord!) as a result of being part of a lot with the later variant A classes. As for Irish track no classification required there at all. I think that most important thing to most modelers (well to me anyway) is to have as much information on the prototype that the product represents, years of service in particular and specific details seen on the model (which is often taken for granted by the mature gricer but may not be ever even spotted by a newbie who buys over the counter (virtual or otherwise))
  14. DiveController


  15. I haven't been on the site much for the last few months so apologies for such a late comment on these lovely photos. I don't believe that I have seen the bogies TPO in the silver livery before at least not in color. Smashing shot! This appears to be one of the 1906-7 GSWR-built tricomposite brake coaches with clerestory roof built for the Cork-Rosslare boat train. Its sister 861 is preserved by the RPSI and all were listed as secondary stock by February 1961 only 4 months after this photo.
  16. Interest in one or maybe 2
  17. Not if they won't do it in 21mm gauge, that looks to be the 16.5mm version
  18. I have the same problem with forming the tumblehome so if you find any easy method feel free to post
  19. The problem is a lack of respect. ..... which is what you get for bringing a knife to a gunfight. Here's a rerun of 'gunning the red' at Coolmine LC
  20. Those of us that survived the pandemic will be, sure, but for those that did not, there will be no reopening at all Actually you probably shouldn't have. Everyone who has died from coronavirus acquired it from someone else, both parties being responsible for being irresponsible. Contact tracing being nothing near what it should be, many of us will have unknowingly passed virus to someone else often at their expense and not yours. NIR original's point was correct and the laissez faire attitude of many, more privileged individuals and feckless 'leaders' has allowed the SARS-Cov-2 virus enough time and viral load for natural evolutionary changes to occur. Evolutionary change occurs slowly in mammals, almost non-existent in some homo 'sapiens' it's true. However, over a year is more than enough time for a virus with this rate of replication to mutate. B117 variants and others will now become (are already) the dominant strains and will continue to claim even more first world lives and then continue again in underdeveloped countries long after Europe and the US has been vaccinated. NOT going on your skiing holiday probably saved a person's life somewhere on the globe, possibly even your own. Its just impossible to show you that non-existent data
  21. I do like the 6w variant of the 3153-6 series heating van although we''ll not see a higher quality version of it. There were only 4 of them iirc in an era that's not currently catered for very much. They weighed in a a whopping 21T on a 30ft body with twin boilers but ooze 60s era. Stuck behind a black A class, maybe even a yellow warning panel would be super class. I don't think the SF model probably does real justice to the width, profile and detail of the prototype but very nice to have all the same.
  22. Any chance of some 'swap bodies' of the magnesite then?
  23. Some views at 12:15 and an end profile (in the dark), not much help maybe but still an enjoyable watch
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