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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. IRM seem to be sold out of all the DCC and sound chips already
  2. An 800? No idea. If IRM doesn't do it, none would. Would it sell? Absolutely! Now whether it would sell enough to make it worthwhile versus say an A class with 17 variants, I doubt that. I know that collectors would get one or multiples or three if 801 and 802 were available. Personally I would run mine especially if we had some 1950s laminate stock to go with it. The price point cannot be higher than paying nearly STG300 for a OOworks J15 or attempting to assemble an 800 in brass. Over the years, we have seen some fine examples by experienced brass builders and some not so fine ones by those attempting an 800 but unable to complete it to a satisfactory standard as a complicated build. One could commission your build but that would makes a pretty high price point also. Maybe you could sell it with some laminates as the newer Bachmann 00651 set which was produced both for the European market and also the US market. That set is still sought after even thought the loco is not entirely prototypical (but close) and the carriages are not prototypical. I have no doubt Park Royals will be produced at some point but whether I'll be around to see it I don't know Anyway to get back to topic, I bought a weed sprayer set for the flats and planned to repurpose the container and tanks. It arrived, the wife saw it and said it was a loverly little thing when I explained what it was for, so now I'lll have to look for some headboards with wasp stripes for one of my 141s. It can go on display for now I guess we'll need some 20' CIE tanks then too
  3. Is this the same wagon ? John's looks to be vertically planked. Were they paneled over in steel sheet? (c) Brian Flanagan
  4. Waiting on some CIE ballasts to run with CIE & IR ploughs, or gypsums, and blue Taras, and A classes (happy to wait) and AEC railcars, and CIE 'laminates', and 800 class, and Bandon tank and .......
  5. Ah, cr@p, @mmie353. I thought there was an update. Great little wagon this one
  6. The only picture of coal wagons in Rails though North Kerry is on page 52 with a rake of 21/22 open topped 20ft coal wagon on the Foynes Ballina laden run on 22/3/1993. The photo on p68 of Rails through the West would probably offer more detail on this matter since you already have a copy.
  7. This? https://railsofsheffield.com/products/35410/oxford-rail-or76tk2003-oo-gauge-12-ton-tank-wagon-british-bitumen-colfix-no-56
  8. I think these were the same as routing from Foynes obviously open topped, perhaps someone will have a better picture https://www.flickr.com/photos/152343870@N07/40244086331/in/photolist-pEtTHF-pWE8Vg-24jesYD-24jesR4-22WTRTe-24jesHt-24jesMr-Ga1CFQ-234bNXp
  9. Done. Shame IRM is not there but probably outvoted by sheer numbers in the British outline market anyway
  10. Sad to see that they began operation of 40' wagons just before beet finished (kinda like the anecdotal refurbishing of stations and lines before they were closed) Interesting to see how the conveyor funnel the beets through both when loading mid-wagon, with one shutting off as it approaches the end of the wagon only to have them alternate again as it passes over the coupling to the next wagon Good images of the double height corrugated beets and that single experimental blue/grey 20' wagon at 4:10
  11. Fine machine, like the prototype
  12. Looks superb! (wish I had one! )
  13. It looks like the 2700 series luggage vans had recessed doors also as in the assembled model above. Were they like this from the outset or more in line with the late 60s 2749 variant?
  14. Probably the same way they had to get bitumen out of CIE tank wagons? Wonder if anyone would be interested in doing some of this 10' Glucose tanktainers as a 4 pack maybe? Probably too niche? @Arran Anyway, since we have the 40' B+I we should probably mention there was a 20' varian of that too (don't recall why this particular liner was ill fated though, maybe ran away in Cork yard?)
  15. Turn the sound way up and human audio is ok and loco audio ... well no-one one here ever objected to that! Good video, Graham! And in Supertrain livery too!
  16. Jayzus, @Noel, you made a right mess of that. The RPSI will never forgive you for rolling their good work back 50 years I have some IFM laminates and TPO as you know but I have been holding off on getting a large order of them in the hope that we might see some top quality ones emerge. Problem is now that the 121s and As will be available in early liveries, I'll need something in several different liveries silver, green BnT
  17. There's a nice photo of them brand new in CIE but for the life of me, I cannot lay my hands on it this minute EDIT: Actually this is the one is was looking for originally, not the same Bedford I know. BH91 Dublin registration dates it to 1969/70
  18. Sure, @hexagon789I understood that, you're comment is valid. I didn't mean to imply otherwise. I agree it does look very different with the different lighting
  19. That's true and you're right. They only problem may be figuring out what that is insofar as on another thread at the moment someone is looking for a 071 motor replacement which seems to be a generic motor rather than a proprietary/bespoke MM motor but has nothing stamped on it to indicate who manufacturer is. The sugar cube as you say should be easier to source and easy enough to refit as the model ages. Incidentally where does one get them from?
  20. I didn't mean to restart the great orange debate as we've had in the past but the coach is indoors, and aside from camera/exposure/film/developing variations, if you look carefully above the cantrail you'll see the same colors from the perspex lighting in the roof
  21. The link would be helpful if you have it
  22. Of course the First class passengers will need some catering nearby
  23. Sad end to some of the horse boxes which survived to some use into IR times
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