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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Done
  2. Why on 47' flats only? Are the high Cubes predominantly 45' in length like P&O? (40' HiCube are being used on the 47" like ONE also)
  3. Not everyone wound have predicted how successful IRM offerings have been with progressively larger runs. Product availability is the first thing that will tempt the potential modeling.
  4. I enquired about this several years ago at IRM. I got a firm no because if the intricacies involved in creating the track and the points and there was some discussion about prototypical crossings. I have been planning a larger layout and was procrastinating about narrow gauge versus 21mm. No sign of 21mm track and finally resigned to having to stick to 16.5 even though I have one or two steams locos guaged to 21mm. I need a lot of track and cannot see myself building it AND converting the stock. The latter I would do if I had flexitrack, a long express point and a shorter points for yards. So design is going to have to wait to see the outcome of this. I do agree with the sentiments above regarding stock being available as 21mm with conversion possible to 16.5 as needed. This would be a huge leap forward for Irish modeling looking to the future and finally get us away from a half century old attachment to diminutive early steam locos and primitive motors. As for legacy stock issues, I know this is a concern for me too, but the bigger picture moving forward a decade is likely to be improved replacement Irish outline stock in 21mm
  5. Seemingly from the RMWeb discussion the momentum button can be disabled ( in the manual apparently )
  6. @irishthumpThanks for that. I'm not an DCC expert so I want to be sure that I have a compatible decoder for that bespoke PCB
  7. Which ESU V5 Loksound chip is appropriate fro the 121 and 141? I was looking at this .... ESU 58419 LokSound 5 DCC/MM/SX/M4 21MTC NEM660 LSP 11x15mm
  8. There were some photos on one of the threads but I don't recall where? Regardless of how compatibility with 21mm reguaging was worded, some modelers seem to have experienced some issues with the chassis on the bubbles (and ballasts) not being wide enough to accommodate that without filing down the plastic on the inside to accommodate the wheels at at the correct back to back setting. The ploughs of course were not retooled, nor the gypsums I imagine. Since these were designed to be sold in rakes, there will be some work involved depending on how many you need to do. I'll post the reference of I find it
  9. Phil @murphaphis there any possibility you might post the relevant eSU file and the horns? After shelling gout for three Wt projects I'm looking for a alternative way to contain costs for future 121 and 141 sound decoders. I know you're in Germany. Where are you sourcing your chips? The LokSound V5 in the US and Australasian markets are V5 DCC chips which have some differences (most notably that they cannot be run temporarily on DC)
  10. Probably no advantage to the sound aspect per se as they'll use the same or very similar prime mover sound files but there may definitely be some advantages to having your headlights and marker lights work independently and more advanced motion control options as you become used to the driving characteristics. I had planned to purchase the 567 and 645 chips and waited for them to come in stock. They did and the 567 rapidly sold out again at IRM and Marks while I was procrastinating about buying some more Supertrain and BnT 121s. Since I've nothing else to order from IRM at the moment, I just ordered 3 chips from Wheeltappers including a 141 project to see how that sounds.
  11. Aaah! I thought it looks like a (very) short generator van. Thanks
  12. Anyone know what this is at York Road, NCC 3099? https://www.flickr.com/photos/irishrailwayarchive/50736845218/in/photostream/
  13. I cancelled my order of 4 locos with Hattons as they had no timeframe for me and I'll repurchase with another model shop in Ireland as soon as they ever get 567 chips which were supposed to arrive yesterday but no sign of them as yet
  14. Looking very well, John. Any idea on price point yet? What era would it be suitable for and hence any further liveries? A couple in grey would be on my list and maybe some in a later livery also depending on how long the 20T lasted (looks great in the grey with FS actually)
  15. Marks told me during this week
  16. Yes, indeed. Didn't do him any harm. Recently passed aged 97. RIP
  17. That's also how mine is running. So does anyone know for certain if the 121 prototype had 2 or 3 FUNCTIONAL front white marker lights when delivered please?
  18. Nothing wrong with that at all. And I also like the oddball 121/141 pairing with the difference in heights of the 2 cabs. Sounds like its easier to pair decoders of the same vintage both V5s.
  19. I not sure I'd notice the loss of the second sound decoder in a consist not to be split and probably use a LokPilot as Noel has done just on the grounds of economy but I do see the utility of how you've setup your 121s and a 141 to consist together. So the 567 decoder is also in the 141, same engine I guess
  20. Thanks @Noel and @irishthump I noticed that there ws a speed difference between 'identical ' new 121s as there was with the 141s previously. I don't know how to speed match the locos but maybe someone will do that on the DCC section as that would be very useful. I know I have previously asked about the marker light arrangements on the 121s as delivered. I don't recall if I received a definitive answer so apologies if it s somewhere in the last 30 pages of this thread. They seem to have come with twin lenses on both sides (as opposed to the 141s and 071s which came with twin lenses on one side (red & whiter) and a single white lens on the other). My question is how many WHITE markers were visible when in motion TWO of THREE ( a single red to the rear) ? If 2 what was the function of the 4th lighting space/lens?
  21. You purchased this from a retailer and that's who'll you need to deal with. No point in going to the manufacturer as you have no contract with them per se. They're not sold out and the smaller model shops have some stock depending which one you need. I can't imagine @WRENNEIRE will be keeping all those boxes of 121s for personal use either ON the topic of decoders, I presume if running this in consist (where the consist will rarely be split up), is anybody planning to put a sound decoder in BOTH locos of just one with a Lokpilot in the other?
  22. Looks like it has the wrong LED (or LEDS!). I think that B125 should has the 2700K type bulb with the 'warm white' color of an incandescent bulb. I believe that only the 121s with newer LEDs on the prototype should have the 'cool white' color, open to correction on this. What color is on the other end? iirc someone had an issue with a speaker already. I guess this means I need to test run all of mine when I get a sound decoder, irritating if you have more than a couple of loco (although the decoder is easy to get in and out tbh)
  23. 130 in CIE livery at Heuston with 4 ROUND markers at that point (1983)
  24. I agree, That's not acceptable but you should be able to get a replacement/refund from whoever you purchased from. My only issue was 2 broken vacuum hoses out of 8 locos. Might need to check the lights as I haven't test run them all yet. My God, you actually need to take them out of the boxes! @K801 I don't think they do which is a shame given the fine interior detail
  25. but keep the APT-E!
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