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GSR 800

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Everything posted by GSR 800

  1. Thanks blarney. You could scan it or "furnish" me, whatever you think is easier:)
  2. Hi everyone. Just wondering does anyone have a time table for the Dublin Cork mainline anywhere between 1950 1954? Managed to get some scheduled trains from some Tom ferris videos and books,but cannot find any real schedule along with a big gap from noon to about 5. Any info greatly appreciated
  3. A class bo bo?
  4. Excellent work. So good it brought shivers down my spine
  5. Plus there is relatively no freight due to the amount of imports
  6. In my opinion we would have to look at a place with roughly the same population in the northern hemisphere to sort this out, an island would be ideal. But that's the problem there really isn't anything like that, Ireland is unique. The only way to save our railways is to have more towns with larger populations. This could happen in the next 20,30 years,but it might already be to late..
  7. It seems very strange that there is really only 2-3 real "hubs" of business: Dublin,Belfast and Cork. This is the reason that IE is under such pressure, there is very little profit except for Dublin and the eastern region of Ireland.
  8. Well mate I would love to help you,but having never built a Lego loco before it would probably look like a plane. You have a lot on the boil, take your time! No one is trying to rush you. Please don't take this as criticism to your fantastic work.
  9. Not the class 57s by any chance? They have EMD engines in them
  10. I meant that new non stop express with no business class from Dublin to cork, I can understand where you were going. I agree the mk4s should have a larger amount of outage as well as the 201s
  11. Some to be used for the new express?
  12. GSR 800

    121 Class

    Good idea, I mean who would want to destroy of some of Mr murphys work when something else can be used. Would the at Ahearn be roughly prototypical in size?
  13. Still,great to see someone speaking a bit of Irish
  14. Who else but IE?
  15. Did they say he was drinking diesel!?
  16. Wonder if Glenderg would do CIE green on a 201 in Photoshop..hint hint;)
  17. Nelson I'm only after seeing the link now, thank you for showing me that, a simple but brilliant idea
  18. Hmm wonder would it look like the dark green used on steam locos in the 50s?
  19. Kingsbrick station for IE!
  20. Any pics of the silver heating van for us leslie?
  21. Then the genny,your skill with Lego is on a finescale standard:)
  22. The station is what I would love to see, leave the 201 for last, build up anticipation!
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