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Everything posted by aclass007

  1. I actually used a Lima Class 31 chassis in my A class. I bought the chassis new on eBay. Maybe I was lucky, but it runs smooth and slow, all be it a little on the noisy side. The advantage of using the class 31 is that the bogies are 'similar' to the ones on an A class, so I left them unaltered and didn't attach the Silverfox bogies. When I say similar, they are not identical, but I like them. They are also longer than the bogies Silverfox supplies. I have never posted photos on here, but I can try if you are interested to see how they look......
  2. The A class version was sold at auction a few years ago........ http://www.vectis.co.uk/Page/ViewLot.aspx?LotId=429317&Section=0
  3. I'd walk there and back to collect it!
  4. Wow! How much is that going to go for?
  5. Nice looking model! Typically, what would they have carried? Would a 20' Bell be out of place on it?
  6. Ideal Irish Railway Couplers, maybe
  7. Brilliant detail there! Once you are happy with the prototype deck, run a rib of superglue along the top of the cage sides and attach as shown above. Take your goddamned time with this, as its placement affects everything. Is there something to guide you when joining these two parts, or is it just a careful eye?
  8. Good question!
  9. Excellent! I'm looking forward to the tutorial
  10. Did they carry any track inspection/recording equipment, or was it just a number of people inside inspecting the track by looking out the windows?
  11. Have a look on youtube. There's bound to be loads of videos describing the process....
  12. Some brilliant photos in the first link!
  13. The tank is part of the compressor. It stores compressed air. The advantage of having a tank is that once the tank is filled, you could spray away in silence without the compressor working. How long a tank the size on those compressors will last though, I don't know. The paint is stored in the gun. Usually in the small cup that sits on top of the gun, in front of the trigger. Some guns have a larger plastic bottle on the underside of the gun for holding the paint. These can hold larger volumes of paint, but are not needed for modelling work and would probably be more awkward to use anyway.
  14. The repaint looks like a fine job, especially the white lining, if done free hand with a brush!
  15. Good looking stuff there alright, and the prices seem reasonable.
  16. Nice find! It might be worth getting a brake van to run on the end of the rake.....
  17. http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/485-What-Air-Brush This should be worth reading....
  18. It might also be worth adding some OO gauge oil barrels, skips, bins and such around the shed to add some realism.....
  19. OK, enough of the suspense.... Can anyone reveal what Weshty's surprise launch was?
  20. I think I'd run track down the outside of the shed, just like you have done there. It would be usual to see a loco parked along side a shed in real life, again just like you've done there. Also, the extra track would be useful to have when shunting or moving locos around. You could always run something into it out of the way. Looking at the pics, the 201's seem to fit fine under the shed as it is. If you intend to put a concrete floor in, I'd put the concrete between the tracks as opposed to putting the track on top of the concrete floor. That would keep the height down, and be more realistic too.
  21. Do you have the weight block in it? Most Hornbys with the light pancake motor have a lump of metal in the centre of the chassis to add weight...
  22. Yes, but the chassis needs to be shortened considerably. This isn't a problem with the Hornby, as the pancake motor is positioned at one end of the loco, and the rest of the chassis is basically hollow.
  23. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Murphy-Models-IE-Black-Roof-MK2-Generator-Van-nr-5602-/271633763005 Keep an eye on eBay. This one sold for £39 stg. 'buy it now' price, a couple of weeks ago, and the same seller sold an orange roof version for the same price last week.
  24. If this is the chassis from it, then I'd say the answer is no. This doesn't look like something that can be shortened to fit under the A class body too easily. But, Do more research. I might be totally wrong here! http://www.dccsupplies.com/item-p-107487/class-52-chassis-oo-dapol-4z-003-001
  25. The thing I notice when looking at railway stuff on eBay is that there is so much stuff relating to UK railways available to buy. Very little Irish stuff seems to be out there for sale....
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