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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. What an odd post.
  2. Looks to be the same shade of green as the coaches, @jhb171achill? Yay, fun...
  3. They're plastic. Unfortunately, the samples appear to have been drop-kicked all the way across Asia by the carrier which resulted in some wonky cab-front hand rails. The main shipment of locos will be better handled, but we're also getting the factory to take extra care with them just in case...
  4. Welcome to the wonderful world of trying to get reliable colour data from old film stock. Here's a photo of A19 at Mallow in June 1961: https://rcts.zenfolio.com/diesel/irish-railways-cie/a/hA10601AC#ha10601ac And another photo of A19 taken at Limerick Junction just over a year later: https://flic.kr/p/qnWPUn Meanwhile, here's A1 and A14: https://flic.kr/p/2kLZvBt All the above were painted the same shade of green. Basically, images from that era can't be relied upon. As I said in my previous post, the colours were matched to genuine samples of the green used on the real thing, which we are very grateful to have been granted access to.
  5. The pre-production model displayed at the Blackrock exhibition was hand-painted for the event and the green paint used was not an exact match for the real A46. The production locos are colour-matched to samples of the correct colours. Some of the locos with the lighter of the two green shades also had the eu-de-nil band, so that's definitely one for the future...
  6. When first repainted, although it soon wore away to reveal the original silver colour as well as receiving the inevitable coating of Crossley grime.
  7. Garfield

    Customs & VAT

    Not sure I see the logic there. Ireland hasn't been blessed with the natural resources or heavy industry that Britain has, so traditionally there was no option but to import oil, coal, steel, etc. The shift in the import/export balance has a lot to with Ireland shifting to a service-based economy, which is thanks to more recent developments areas such as tech and banking. In terms of tangible exports, that's thanks to the growth of Irish food companies to become major players on the world market.
  8. There are some photos of blue Tara Mines wagons here: https://irishrailwaymodeller.com/topic/1199-tara-mines-rake-in-blue/
  9. The ribbed lids could still be observed in use into the early 1990s. Even now, the third (peaked) style of lid hasn't yet completely replaced the second (curved) type, even though it must be a decade or so since they first appeared...
  10. The new red oxide Taras also have G2 lids. In reality, the transition from G2 to G3 is still taking place...
  11. The transition from blue to red oxide overlapped with the replacement of the lids.
  12. I wouldn't go laying any money down with Paddy Power just yet...
  13. I've seen a photo of a silver Sulzer with snatchers fitted, but oddly they were installed the opposite way around so that the snatcher in the rear cab would have to be used to exchange staffs. Always thought it was odd that they went to the trouble of incorporating the snatcher recesses into the design only to remove them so quickly, while at the same time the snatcher system remained in everyday use for a number of years after the last Sulzer was taken out of service.
  14. I think George was referring to the Bray address, @jhb171achill... It's one that appeared regularly in GSRPS newsletters back in the day as it's where the Society's secretary lived.
  15. C Class no. 226 and G Class no. G616 are currently inside the shed and a small group of volunteers is slowly but steadily working on returning both to working order. Once that has been completed, B103 and G601 will get their turn...
  16. I've similar memories of lying in my bed at night as a kid in Longford and hearing the growl of a pair of Bo-Bo GMs or the low frequency wallop of an 071 either pottering about the local yard with a liner or powering through on the way to Sligo. Unforgettable...
  17. It does seem to have been relatively short-lived and doesn't seem to have been rolled out across the fleet - just on a small number of units. Always thought it was an odd location to place the stripes; you would think placing wasp stripes or a yellow panel below the windscreen would have proved more beneficial in allowing someone to spot a train hurtling towards them...
  18. From that link: "In 2015, a sheep dung-spitting competition was introduced to Northern Ireland's Lady of The Lake Festival in County Fermanagh." That both raises questions and answers some outstanding ones...
  19. I'm afraid that's not where you put it - as others have pointed out with screenshots and links to what you posted, you created a topic in the 'For Sale or Wanted' section...
  20. The 'For Sale' section is for people to post ads for items they're selling themselves. The 'eBay Watch' topic (which is at the very top of that list) is where eBay links can be posted for discussion... I really don't see what the problem is, to be honest?
  21. As the lads said above, scroll down the page...
  22. Probably because you're looking in the wrong place? The last time you posted it was in the 'For Sale or Wanted' section: https://irishrailwaymodeller.com/forum/22-for-sale-or-wanted/ It's there towards the bottom, underneath the pinned posts...
  23. It's in the link @BosKonay posted above: https://irishrailwaymodeller.com/topic/9979-broadway-ltd-bli-636-gn-great-northern-nw2-diesel-switcher-151-dcc-sound/
  24. I've come across photos of black locos with sandboxes... albeit not on all bogies.
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