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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. Distribution from our combined IRM/Accurascale warehouse & fulfilment centre is the most cost-effective option, especially as we no longer have storage or shipping facilities here due to having no need for it.
  2. The list above is a bit random as it leaves out some of our IR livery locos but includes some running numbers which will wear older liveries. The IR liveries are: 017 - stopped 29.09.93 036 - stopped 19.12.94 048 - stopped 24.05.94 054 - stopped 28.07.93 Supertrain/IR hybrid: 007 - stopped 14.10.90 056 - stopped 29.10.92
  3. This model of 12L is on course to be the best I've seen of a CB&PR 2-4-2T, which in my opinion were one of the most elegant locos to run on any of the narrow gauge lines here. Top work!
  4. Looks like you'll be channeling the spirit of Fred Dibnah for this one, @warb... excellent work!
  5. We'd love to have them for ourselves as much as anybody else, but if we let our hearts rule our heads then we wouldn't last very long...
  6. The phrase after the section you've highlighted is the key point there. We'll continue to run the numbers in the hope that it will become viable at some point, so in that sense it has not been ruled out, but it is certainly not viable at this point in time. At the end of the day, the issue is market size rather than concern over a higher than normal RRP.
  7. With all due respect, we already know it's not feasible. To make it viable we would need to produce three times more spray vans than the total number of weedspray wagon sets we've produced, which simply doesn't add up.
  8. I'm not overly-familiar with the coach so I can't say for certain, but I wouldn't think any external modifications would be required for the storage heaters as these likely fitted in under seats, and I don't think CIE would have gone to the trouble of removing the steam heating equipment. A socket would have been needed for the shore supply, but I'm not sure if this was located externally or if the power cable was simply run through an open window...
  9. The branch coach had storage heaters fitted so that a GSV wasn't required. It would have been hooked up to a shore supply overnight.
  10. Hi Buz, Dunsandle, in County Galway, was the only intermediate stop on the branch from Attymon Junction to Loughrea. Although closed in the late 1970s it is in excellent condition thanks to the current owner, who has restored the buildings and added a selection of preserved rolling stock and E Class loco No. E421, all from the former Westrail collection previously stored in Tuam. The owner has set up a Facebook page to document the restoration: https://facebook.com/DunsandleRailwayStation/
  11. I didn't see the earlier mention of DCC.
  12. That'll all depend on the polarity of your track wiring...
  13. Not quite sure what you mean? It would be no different from a double cab loco, with appropriate lighting for the direction of travel...
  14. The sound files are exclusive to us.
  15. They should be available in the decoders sold here... our A Class decoders will have those features.
  16. Another round of investment on the back of that, too: https://wexfordtoday.com/2020/07/09/more-investment-in-rosslare-harbour/?fbclid=IwAR0E7K5gaEZI3MdDESh9qWoPMXNsmC5dIC7py8CtfAThRQ94E_H9cigEJBE
  17. Take a look at the Athearn model, which is the most recent and most accurately detailed, and about half the price. The Trix range is mainly two-rail versions of Märklin products, so have that residual 'collectors premium' factored into the price...
  18. In fairness, no company can be expected to keep vast amounts of cash tied up in stock that 'might' sell at some undefined or distant point in the future. Newcomers, latecomers, etc. can always avail of future production runs when they happen. In the meantime we are constantly reacting to demand by increasing the size of our production runs within reason.
  19. It would, but as 230 would require less work it's the only one I can see benefiting from such a transplant of parts.
  20. Most definitely the end for 224. No doubt useable components will be salvaged and could possibly be used in other locos - either replacing parts on locos still in service where required, or possibly to aid in the rebuilding of 230. I wouldn't expect to see grey 201s.
  21. Hi Martin, You can select how products are ordered using the options on the main page for each collection:
  22. What photographs? I've seen images of the Mk3 DVT and A15, but the ITG locos are all under tarpaulins.
  23. I wouldn't be relying on Wikipedia for definitive information.
  24. The museum is Jackie Whelan's project, as is the rest of the operation at Moyasta. The ITG stock is there with the intention of being housed in the museum when it is constructed. There were no other feasible alternatives at the time the ITG had to vacate Inchicore Works.
  25. Cheers, JB! No warning labels back then...
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