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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. Hi Riainer, Welcome aboard! Site rules... If you want to sell the items here, you must name a price.
  2. Looks great, if you ask me! A lot better than the old livery.
  3. With all due respect, this is the attitude which has led to us having to contend with 'ready-to-run' (and I use that phrase in the loosest of terms) locomotives and rolling stock which barely resemble the real thing, and for which we are charged a premium price... the producers know they can get away with throwing something together with as little effort as possible - and charge top dollar - "because the Irish lads will buy up any oul' *****". It's even more frustrating because 'doing it right' in some of these cases wouldn't cost them anything extra, other than a little time to actually plan things out properly. Anyway, regarding the wider argument taking place here... I find it slightly bizarre/amusing that people are arguing over how much a prototypical 20ft chassis would cost to produce when people are prepared to pay over €70 for 'RTR' tin vans which look like they were squeezed out of a tube of toothpaste.
  4. True, there were four editions. The first (around 1987, I think) had a photo of an A class on the cover, the second had an NIR Hunslet and MV, the third had a brand new 201 in Canada, and the last had a loco line-up at Inchicore.
  5. No, it's looking like a a kit...
  6. And it's available to buy here: http://www.bottbooks.com/onlinebookshop/books.asp?mthd=dsply&abid=6145&bkmrk=1&rcrdcnt=1
  7. Hi Tony, The railcars you are referring to are almost certainly the 2600 class, which were built by AEC and entered service in 1952. Some of them lasted into the 1980s after being converted to unpowered push-pull sets for use on Dublin suburban services. Photo here: http://s836.photobucket.com/user/bufferstop1/media/4003.jpg.html
  8. Looks like Dunsandle...
  9. Does it have VSOE logos?
  10. Mod note: Thread split as conversation had veered off-topic. The discussion about the merits and possibilities of a RTR 20ft wagon chassis can now be found here: http://www.irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/3044-The-possibility-of-a-RTR-20ft-wagon-chassis
  11. Found a German company called Juweela via Facebook who produce scale loads in a number of scales, including sugar beet and turf, which may be of interest. Their catalogue can be viewed online at http://www.juweela.de.
  12. The Great Northern Railway's No. 85 ('Merlin') and Rolls Royce's famous Merlin aircraft engine are both named after a bird of prey, not the mythical English magician. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merlin_(bird)
  13. More nice scenes...
  14. Yep, vinyl collectors are on a par... it pays to stop and do a quick Google search before clicking on 'bid' or 'buy it now'!
  15. Some stunning models here... [video=youtube;D7-lUBm-Guw] I especially love the Vulcan, RAF VC-10, and Comet...
  16. Definitely Sterling. Absolutely ridiculous... the list price is £148 for the RTR version.
  17. Wrong for every livery... They're G611 features. £35 for the kit version, I understand. Recommended power unit is a Tenshodo Spud.
  18. True, although it's nothing a file won't fix if building the kit yourself.
  19. Not impressed by the Sulzer but the G601 looks OK... Painted, apparently.
  20. Nice one, Rich... Gordon Ramsey eat your heart out!
  21. Hi David, Looks good! May I ask what is the total cost of the bubble, chassis, etched details and buffers? Thanks.
  22. Thanks to the guys who've been in touch so far... keep 'em coming!
  23. Hi folks, At the moment I'm working on an exciting revamp of New Irish Lines for Alan O'Rourke, which will raise it to a level well above the photocopied newsletter some of you will be familiar with, or the more recent glossy version for that matter! As part of the new format, we'd like to include photos of layouts and workbench projects belonging to members of Irish Railway Modeller. There's a lot of fantastic work going on here and it would be great to showcase it to a wider audience. If you're interested in submitting a photo, leave a message below or drop me a PM.
  24. While I understand the frustration and desire to teach thugs like these a lesson by giving them a taste of their own medicine, it's unfair to expect the passengers to confront them, especially if they're high on drugs. Doing so could have led to an even more serious situation.
  25. It was a solid weapons delivery platform, and a very successful one, so it made sense to study it. And I'm sure they read Allied pilots' accounts, too...
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