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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. We don't have a 'Rest of the World' section so I'll pop this in here... a stunning Australian 'T' gauge (1:500) layout: [video=youtube_share;9lTB0Swwbbw] [video=youtube_share;dblVga1LBrk] Blog here: http://victorian-tgauge.blogspot.co.uk/
  2. Des, have you been going around doing this guy's job? [video=youtube_share;apPyKtvNP2E]
  3. Express Models sell a range of lighting kits that seem to be straightforward to install: http://www.expressmodels.co.uk/acatalog/4mm_Coach_Lighting.html
  4. Just looked into this and it's written in the writer's personal drafting area, as opposed to being published and searchable on the main Wikipedia site. He probably just wrote it for his own amusement and didn't intend for it to be discovered like this.
  5. ...Is on BBC4 right now.
  6. Garfield

    New Irish Lines

    You can now keep an eye out for New Irish Lines updates via Facebook and Twitter: http://www.facebook.com/NewIrishLines http://www.twitter.com/NewIrishLines
  7. Paddy Murphy's gonna be the cause of a double-dip recession...
  8. Don't know if it's of use to you, but the Spring 1994 edition of Irish Lines had drawings of the SS class. Available to download here: http://newirishlines.org/archive-2/
  9. YESSS! Can't wait to see it, Richie! As for the viaduct...
  10. Moving this into the 'for sale' area as it's more relevant there... </mod>
  11. Wouldn't like to see the electricity bill for that!
  12. Not a chance... you won't get past the gate unless you're an employee or a member of the RPSI there specifically to work on their stock.
  13. Just out of curiosity... are these the autoballasters in Railtrack livery, or the IÉ versions?
  14. Garfield

    New Irish Lines

    Ditch Internet Explorer, Des... worst browser around!
  15. Garfield

    New Irish Lines

    Funny... they look OK here. What browser are you using? Edit: Have viewed it just now using Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer and all seems fine...
  16. Garfield

    New Irish Lines

    Which photos, Weshty?
  17. That's one of the steam cranes behind the ammonia wagon in the second photo...
  18. Garfield

    New Irish Lines

    The New Irish Lines website is currently being resuscitated, with content from November's issue now being added: http://www.newirishlines.org. There is also an ongoing project being undertaken to create an online archive of old issues, starting with the first issue of Irish Lines from 1992: http://www.newirishlines.org/archive-2/. Thanks to Dennis Mowatt for taking on the task of scanning these newsletters.
  19. Nice footage, Broithe... I remember seeing a documentary about the operation on the Discovery Channel some years ago.
  20. Showing how hardy some of these old aircraft are, an American expedition discovered a B-29 in Greenland back in the '90s that had sat in Arctic conditions ever since it made an emergency landing during WWII. They restored it to flying condition on-site, but unfortunately it suffered a disastrous malfunction whilst taxiing for take-off: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kee_Bird#Recovery.2Frestoration_summary
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