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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. That photo is a few years old now, Richie. In the time since it was taken, two of the A class locos and the C class have been moved to Moyasta, the other A has gone to Downpatrick, the Sulzer has gone to Cultra, and the Mk2s have met their fate at the hands of the scrapman, as have the two cranes.
  2. There's one here, taken in 1980: http://irishrailwaynews.multiply.com/photos/photo/233/1?&show_interstitial=1&u=%2Fphotos%2Fphoto (You have to wait a few seconds or click the shortcut link to view it...)
  3. The crane at Whitehead is a GNR Cowans Sheldon 15-tonner. Anyone who was at the Inchicore open day back in '96 may remember that IÉ had a crane in steam on the day, which could possibly even the one in the photo Kirley posted. Scrapped just a few years ago...
  4. Well, Hadley Model Shop pretty much made the announcment it back in 1978...
  5. There doesn't seem to be many photos out there of 121s running nose-first, but I just remembered this photo from Eiretrains' website taken on the Barrack St Branch... one of the only lines in the country where the locos were allowed to operate this way: http://eiretrains.com/Photo_Gallery/Railway%20Stations%20B/Barrack%20Street/slides/Barrack%20Street_20100102_0012_CC.html
  6. Nice tutorial, John. The kit looks like it has been well thought-out.
  7. Could've been worse... could've been a 5-2 thumping against Arsenal!
  8. Lovely work, John. Are you still using Peco/Atlas rail?
  9. I think the proposal for Foynes is to use it as a transshipment point for ore, similar to the setup with Tara Mines. I'd imagine the customer would be responsible for constructing suitable facilities there. The viaduct would still need attention, though, which would cost a bit. I'd imagine as a freight-only branch that track renewals would only be carried out where absolutely necessary. Of course, the mine providing the traffic has yet to be built...
  10. Cheers! PS: Love the no-nonsense copyright notice! Edit: Here's a photo from the National Library of two P&T telephone boxes being installed in the 1930s -
  11. Cheers! PS: Love the no-nonsense copyright notice! Edit: Here's a photo from the National Library of two P&T telephone boxes being installed in the 1930s -
  12. Brilliant, Richie! What kind of printer do you recommend to print out your sheets? Inkjet or laser?
  13. Brilliant, Richie! What kind of printer do you recommend to print out your sheets? Inkjet or laser?
  14. Good point, Richie... time will tell! Only one cement bubble left, I'm afraid!
  15. That may just be the world's most powerful hairdryer...
  16. Nice one! I'll do a bit of Googling to see if there's a suitable thickness of perspex out there, but I've a feeling you might be right on that... Edit: Microscope slides might do the trick... they're usually around 1mm thick.
  17. Richie... just wondering. I'd imagine a perspex frame could be made up fairly handily for the phonebox and the overlays placed on that?
  18. Nice fine, Broithe. The Brits also had their own RailPlane, which was tested in the late 1920s-early '30s: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4Qamg3C188
  19. I vaguely remember seeing a model of this one time. A really interesting vehicle... basically a Budd RDC railcar with a set of booster engines from a B-36 bolted onto the roof. It still holds the speed record in the USA.
  20. I swear, I can never view this thread without drooling... love the phone box!
  21. Still, not so long ago a bidding war would've broken out for it!
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