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Everything posted by PJR

  1. PJR

    Class 121

    Any idea what cv to change (on both ends) and what number setting it should be for brighter light
  2. Thanks for the cards guys and a Happy Christmas to you all
  3. PJR

    Class 121

    Some serious questions need to be asked of the delivery guys as it looks to me that the plastic loco lift sleeve is also torn which would mean that the loco box is also badly damaged
  4. PJR

    Class 121

    That's great news, still showing as not available yet on Marks website
  5. PJR

    Class 121

    http://www.marksmodels.com/images/data/cat/51_big_1555665408_resize.jpg MURPPHY MODELS CL121 CIE SUPERTRAIN NO 132 http://www.marksmodels.com/images/green_flag.png In stock online (Code:MM0132) AVAILABLE TO PRE PURCHASE THIS ITEM WILL BE SHIPPED WHEN WE RECEIVE IT INTO STOCK
  6. A fool and his money ......
  7. Wow, had to look twice at these photos. They look so real to life .Well done
  8. Brilliant project and look fabulous to boot. well done
  9. Noel, Very interesting video. Just wondering how you got the magnet to uncouple the kandee . I'm confused as it looks to me that the magnet would pull down instead of sideways. Maybe you could post how you did it. Paddy
  10. Congratulations lads, a great achievement with brilliant models to the market both in Ireland and Uk. Well done to all.
  11. Many thanks Noel and Dart 8118 It worked a dream and did it on the programming track, again many thanks
  12. What should the setting on cv29 be to reverse direction as when I went to change mine it was saying cv29=062
  13. Lovely model and very well made
  14. I was wondering about that myself. Although the McGowans had a bar in Stoneybatter before they came to Phibsboro.
  15. Many Thanks Paddy
  16. Dapol KTA / Intermodal Container Pocket Wagon + container c/w lock handle detail pack. I am looking for a lock handle detail pack for the container, anyone with ideas has to where I could find one. The container is bigger in height to the normal 00 gauge containers.
  17. Done
  18. Brilliant workmanship
  19. Many Thanks to Paddy Murphy for all he has done for Irish model trains in Ireland and abroad
  20. PJR

    SSm website

    Tried myself today and can't the site
  21. PJR

    Weed spray van

    Doe anyone know what the RAL code for the yellow on the weed sprayer is?? Thanks in advance Paddy
  22. PJR

    Weed spray van

    Thanks for that
  23. Hi Lads As I have now ordered the set from IRM I now need to start making a weed spray van . I looking for a drawing /sizes or some info on this model if anyone can help out so I can scratch build Thanks in advance
  24. Just wondering will the decoders arrive for the 121 the same time as the first batch?
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