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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. This was all there was for 'us'. I'm always interested in the fiddle yards.
  2. Some pictures. The winning layout was essentially two excavators, shifting a pile of sand around via a small hopper train - mesmerising and surrounded by a crowd all day. Breedon. A supreme example of landscaping.
  3. His dad might turn up with that bloke from the Park.
  4. The ambulance is booked - with an additional fluid capacity for real emergencies.
  5. I will probably just miss it - I should be passing up the quay at about half six on the Tuesday morning, so I might still see some of the aftermath. As for new models, I'm just going to wait for the N gauge live steam turfburner,
  6. You could, with sufficient space, try this sort of thing and have a sort of bi-directional fiddle yard and scope for circular running.
  7. How did I miss this? I do follow on FB, so maybe I'm just confused... There is a hint of Stradbally about all this..
  8. As daft as flinging the car up is, I suppose the idea is to get people 'interested'. It was a test of a vehicle that you can't really try out gently round an empty car park and maybe a 'serious' payload wasn't worth the risk? We have come to rely on earth-orbit satellites for a lot of daily life, not just GPS and re-runs of old TV programmes. The fact that stuff has become commonplace and a bit boring is often a sign of great progress. Airliners still fly at much the same speeds as they did fifty/sixty years ago, but they don't kill us as often and they're a lot cheaper to use. Landing a thing on a comet has to be counted as impressive, surely? The current Russian system for travel to the ISS hasn't killed anybody for a very long time. Having said that, I would have been impressed if we had stuck a radio telescope on the far side of the Moon, shielded from all the fizz down here.
  9. 'Tis a sort of fine filler. http://www.swannysmodels.com/Surfacer.html
  10. Simply having half a dozen people in space almost continuously for almost the whole of this century to the point where hardly anybody takes any notice any more, or would be able to name even one of them, is a massive change from the excitement of the "old days". It's an interesting task to find out when there was last nobody off the planet...
  11. I have seen a picture of a Leyland fire engine and a Daimler APC, at 1/76 scale, in a Murphy Models box The long-awaited 1916 centenary edition?
  12. I understand the car is slightly off-course, too..
  13. Oh, I thought they were tranquilliser darts.
  14. Perhaps those that have been issued with these small personal rocket launchers might be first in the queue?
  15. Particularly for your sort of product, there is nothing like actually seeing one in front of you. Many people will consider buying one for years, even decades, and just keep putting it off, but seeing the reality in front of them can easily be the tipping point.
  16. We have no shortage of doom here, no need to go off looking for it.
  17. I agree about the fairs, just thought I would mention it in case it fitted in with something else. I agree with @leslie10646, I don't recall ever seeing a baseboard manufacturer at any show that I've been to. In my uninformed opinion, I would expect prefabricated baseboards to sell a little better down south than up north.
  18. This could have been much more exciting than it was...
  19. There are toy/train fairs at the same location, every couple of months. http://www.barrypotterfairs.com/fairs.php?fair=19 They are 40/50% railway, and take place in two of the three halls seen above. They might fit in with a Saturday exhibition somewhere else?
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