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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. Maybe they knock the power off at night? Nothing is safe - whole ski-lift nicked in Prague - http://www.skipad.co.uk/blog/stolen-ski-lift-just-latest-in-a-series-of-bizarre-metal-thefts/ and a ten-ton footbridge - http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-05-04/thieves-take-10-tonne-czech-bridge-in-metal-heist/3990384 ...
  2. Actually, that's © Ed - from the last Forum...
  3. As you say, the colouring is excellent.. I like the shed, too.
  4. I've heard rumours that there might have been as many as forty...
  5. Think yourself lucky! Some men have to rely on charity for their sheds... http://www.ageuk.org.uk/professional-resources-home/conferences/discovering-mens-sheds/
  6. I'm inclined to go Gaugemaster, but I don't know anybody that's actually gone digital and I would feel happier if I could play about properly first...
  7. I was going to suggest that you take a couple of shillings off the house-keeping until she sees sense, but I suspect that it's a lost cause..
  8. Well, that's about it, then - like the Bos says, you might need to fiddle around with the wiring a little, but that'll be a fairly minor thing. Off you go.
  9. Voyagers are (un)affectionately known as Vomitters around here. They smelt when they were new, possibly the upholstery, as did they Pendelinos. It's a joy to get on a train where the seats are lined up with the windows - it's strange to enter a world where somebody still thinks of the passenger.. Beware privatisation...
  10. Contrasting access arrangements are part of the legal requirements for making life easier for the visually impaired.
  11. Broithe


    That really is the best layout - see it if you can. Let me know if you do decide to do Derby next year, or whenever. It's become my habit to do it, as it's not too far away and it's just in front of my birthday. Going to the same one every year, it's less hassle to find your way and you get to see fewer repeats.This year's wasn't as good as the last two, though. It's a good show, though, to be honest, the Stafford one in February is better, but the weather can be a struggle.. I've never summoned up the courage to do Warley, the NEC always gives me a headache, used to do a few car shows there years ago..
  12. I was in a model shop a couple of months ago when a chap, looking at a Duchess model, tried to impress his bored teenaged sons by asking them if they remembered that "the Duchess of Sutherland had pulled all three of them last month"..? I was going to say to them that I would have expected to read about that in one of the Sunday papers, but decided not to. I had to go and hide behind some shelving until I composed myself.
  13. Broithe


    Well, it was a very good do, although perhaps not quite up to previous years, but it did include Crumley and Little Wickhill - http://www.hullmrs.org/crumley.html - still the best layout that I've ever seen - if you ever get the chance then do go and see it. [video=youtube;Oxo-KbrNRYM] I did pick up a couple of books. Ireland's Narrow Gauge Railways - Joe Begley & Steve Flanders. Cavan & Leitrim Railway - Tom Ferris & Patrick Flanagan.
  14. Keep them milk tankers out of the sun..! Looking good, though.
  15. Replacement bus service in operation..?
  16. I wonder if there's anything suitable in the Faller system - even if it would be H0...
  17. Land of the free ...? Looks like they've re-hired him - but it might not be all over yet..
  18. The bloke by the bar in the snack car? Modelled on anybody we know? Obviously, he's got his hand in his pocket, which narrows it down quite a lot...
  19. The worm - the black plastic screw on the end of the motor shaft - should cause the gear that is underneath it, parallel to the main wheels, to rotate.
  20. Have you tried running it with the body off - so that you can see what is/isn't happening?
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