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Marks Models produces new Dapol 'Flying Snail' Coach

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Marks said they would do a 70s cie version if their was enough interest and the green ones sell. I seen photos somewhere of suburban black/tan coaches like the Dapol


I know it's black and white, but you can clearly make out the black and tan livery. Prototype for everything eh !? I'd certainly be interested in them.


DSE Dun Laoghaire stencilled CIE





Edited by Glenderg
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There was one set of these old veterans (in black'n'tan) used for summer excursions as late as 1974, after which I think they were withdrawn. One of them was ex-GSWR 1287, currently in use as staff room / operating manager's office at Downpatrick. This last set was based in Dublin. The black and white photo is of these. The colour photo was taken on the 1964 all-Ireland joint LCGB / SLS / IRRS steam tour. The coach shown is a former GSWR dining car; the rest of this train was composed of laminates.


Until the mid 60s, wooden coaches were occasionally to be seen in main line trains. While no passenger carrying six-wheelers were ever repainted into black and tan, at least two ex-GSW six wheel passenger brake vans were; one even had gangways fitted. This coach, GSWR 69, is now also at Downpatrick undergoing a gradual rebuild into a more traditional pattern, but reincarnated as a brake first.


The dining car shown in the second pic was still at work in the late 60s.


On a model layout, accuracy would be represented best by a single wooden coach in a set of laminates / Bredins (though probably not Cravens); or if it was based in the greater Dublin area, or that of a fictitious large city (!), maybe a rake on excursion work. If it's mid 60s, there could be one still in green.....


I'll stop dreaming now; the cat has to be fed!

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I travelled from the city centre to Blackrock regualry in 1969 -70 and one set had a compartment brake 3rd at each end of a rake of four Park Royals, all in b&t, usually pulled by an "A" class in black. Full of splendid sounf smoke and fury but not a lot of performance. The legroom in the compartment coaches was very tight, and the ride pretty poor also by that time.



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Some pics to compare the coaches

MM/Bachmann ones on the left, Marks on the right

Strangly enough both coaches pictured here have the same running number 2096

Roof detail, Marks on the bottom




Both coaches are the same length and height




Corridor and non corridor (Marks)




Opposite sides




Close up of Marks




And opposite side




Bachmann one picked up in 01 at £19.99 punts, generally go for around the €50 mark

So at €29.99 this is great value

One small crib, plastic wheels, but it should be easy enough to replace them with steel ones.



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One of each in a rake would look good. By the time CIE came into existence, a train of all the one type of coach, as nowadays, was as rare as hen's teeth. Just one of each type above, with a Bredin, a Park Royal, an old six wheeler and a tin van would be about right for most layout uses of that era!

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Is it just me, or is the bottom stripe on the Marks Model one wider than on the Murphy Models? The photos I've seen of this early era CIE livery suggest that the bottom stripe was actually narowwer than the top one. But maybe there were variations. On a running note, have Dapol fixed the terrible "wobble" which these ex Airfix (showing my age now!) coaches nearly all had? I did find a cure but the much more solid running qualities of the Mainline/Bachmann coaches led me to favour them.



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It's not just you, Colm! The lower band on the real thing was indeed narrower, while that on both thosed models is way too wide. These light green bands were edged in gold, as was the snail and the numerals. On the post-1955 lighter green, the narrower waistband, numerals and snail were unlined.This later version had no light green band above the windows.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I see the Mark's Models website says that "THIS MODEL IS NOT AN ACCURATE REPRODUCTION, BUT IS SIMILAR TO COACHES OF THIS PERIOD" (http://www.marksmodels.com/?pid=17293). That being the case, which is the best coach to use ? I'm really most interested in the late 1940s but am a bit perplexed. Thanks, everyone.


No RTR coaching stock model will give you precisely what ran on CIE back then.


You'll have to start building kits or bashing an existing model to the best of your ability if you want that level of accuracy.

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