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It is proposed to build a model of the famous Ballyglunin/Castletown station from the film, The Quiet Man

It will be built by members of the MRSI in their Dorset St clubrooms

We then propose to donate it to the committee of the Ballyglunin Railway Restoration Project to be displayed at their fund raising events etc

So I am on the scrounge!

Already a good friend from this parish has offered to donate all the transfers we need and indeed any other small bits that may be required. Thank you Des!

Has anyone made or converted a D17 loco #59?

This will be our toughest item to acquire and we would really appreciate any help in sourcing one

If anyone feels that they would like to be associated with this project through donating items that may be of interest or indeed dirty wads of cash please drop me a PM and I will be delighted to talk to you about the project





Some more pics here:


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Stone is "16" coursed, close jointed random rubble stone, with a dash of the wrong shade of green. :P


IRM will be assisting on this very worthy project, so I'd encourage anyone who has a passion for active preservation for both the rolling stock and architecture efforts to do as live aid 1984 said - give what you can.


(Now, Geldof is a gob*****, but the lads in Ballyglunin need a hand, we can ape the things the RPSI were doing in 1964..., hon lads, get movin.....)

Edited by Glenderg
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The footbridge at Moate station is a similar solid version to that at Ballinasloe, both are still in situ and in good condition. There's a bit of history behind Ballinasloe's/Ballyglunin's, as I believe it originally was first sited at Oughterard station on the Clifden line, so it has served three stations.

25138756262_a166012158.jpgPR Moate Station by rafferty930@btinternet.com4, on Flickr


Ballinasloe Station:


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I know this is a small thing, but just in case anyone's interested, the station sign background would be black, not green, and the lettering much thicker.


Other than that, CIE green with cream was the order of the day for stations, going back to the GSR era.

That's just a replica of the film prop nameboard.

The real life blue/white enamel WL&WR Ballyglunin nameboard still survives.

The footbridge looks like that of a design favoured by the MGWR, it could have been transplanted from an Ex MGW location in GSR or CIE days.


Edited by minister_for_hardship
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That signal box is a cracker.


Re: the footbridge, much though I have an aversion for the excesses of the Safety Elves, I don't doubt the usefulness of handrails with slippy wet iron steps and one loaded down with luggage, Pity they had to be a garish yellow though.

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That signal box is a cracker.


Re: the footbridge, much though I have an aversion for the excesses of the Safety Elves, I don't doubt the usefulness of handrails with slippy wet iron steps and one loaded down with luggage, Pity they had to be a garish yellow though.


All that's needed in that pic is a 121 in delivery grey/yellow livery to synchronise:)

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That's just a replica of the film prop nameboard.

The real life blue/white enamel WL&WR Ballyglunin nameboard still survives.

The footbridge looks like that of a design favoured by the MGWR, it could have been transplanted from an Ex MGW location in GSR or CIE days.


Ah! I see that now, Minister.


Pity there are no GSWR six wheelers to go there too!


Yes, the FB is a standard MGWR type. They had another curved design as well.

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Ah! I see that now, Minister.


Pity there are no GSWR six wheelers to go there too!


Yes, the FB is a standard MGWR type. They had another curved design as well.


And topped in MGW section style with a footbridge notice, quite possibly the bilingual GSR/CIE white with black lettering enamel sign.


The tubular steel yellow painted handrailing on the other footbridge is a modern addition.

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And topped in MGW section style with a footbridge notice, quite possibly the bilingual GSR/CIE white with black lettering enamel sign.



Might be worth advising the restoration committee there (maybe they know) that occasionally such things crop up at auctions. I know someone who has one (though he's not for selling it!)

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Might be worth advising the restoration committee there (maybe they know) that occasionally such things crop up at auctions. I know someone who has one (though he's not for selling it!)


Probably better off making up a replica, if I had one I wouldn't leave it out in the open for it to sprout legs and walk esp. in an isolated place like that.

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