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Everything posted by Georgeconna

  1. Hi Dave, I know it is not my business to ask but do you know if the Final batch is air or sea freight. I have orders placed across the pond so wondering if I should cancel those as no doubt hassle with Brexit in Jan. Good possibility in these landing in 2020 with the seasonal rate uplift and lack of space, plus there are major pile ups of cargo now at the airports in China. Just Realised I did not even have the IE ones ordered!! Man Alive. close one.
  2. Hi Lads, To my embarrassment I still have the 80 not quite completed but I will have it done and dusted by the end of the month, Got the Handrails and Door handles on, The Air horns, The footsteps and the coupling on earlier. An 071 is next to complete and send away or it wont be safe to walk about the midlands......Here a few shots of the latest push.
  3. I did not see the Rotating Axles covers until a few days running. Cant really see them but certainly a nice touch. What do you think about the Model Rail, Review. Honest enough I imagine, High markings in the review.
  4. 201's are not getting good cash these days.
  5. Looks like Lima job that needs to be resprayed and re done with same decals. Wound not relish that TBH. The decals on this look to be never sealed in and have rubbed off. I hang onto see an intercity ones comes up for sale or maybe someone here has one to offload as a resprays could nearly be half the cost of a MM version.
  6. Georgeconna


    Link to his website. http://www.thehobbyden.com/
  7. George has not got any time to do these anymore , Plus having issues with Paint and Damp! DJ.....
  8. Georgeconna


    Yes, The Chap in there is sound, Mostly plastic kits though.
  9. Georgeconna


    Screens!!, I have been shown the delights of a Game called War Thunder. God Good the difference from the ZX Spectrum of Beach Head in my day is frankly astounding and free too! Up till 1am driving T-34's, German Armour and such about the gaf. Battle other dudes on the net. No wonder they ain't bothered with a kits these days!
  10. I never use Cab lighting tbh. most of it is way too bright. Yes tis a Shame the Head and running light are not controllable on the MM chip. No doubt the boffins will have a alternative with such an option. Sound is mighty on it though.Better then the 071 by miles.
  11. Georgeconna


    Don't RB Models too in Clonmel, Only been there once mind you, picked some stuff up too. https://rbmodels.ie/ €185 for the 121's they were flogging them for! You would possibly deal with an Irish Distributor too. I am mostly off the net these days, I went for Plasticard 2mm 12 inch sheets, Cant get them in Ireland, To make it worthwhile I usually add to the order and this is usually from UK. Gonna be a pain in the A$$ when they leave getting stuff and added cost such as the items I get for the RC Boat which aint cheap Man alive that a fine stall! they really need to be online. Like Airshows most of the model sellers and Aircraft Specials sellers don't go anymore as they are priced out with the recent hikes for pitches. Why bother with all the hassle. Don't forget Mark puts in a massive amount of graft for his business and attends quite a number of shows,not just railway ones to so expect to have little time off if running solo and to keep the wolf from the door.
  12. Despite the IR era being of most interest to me I ordered a CIE one first off to go with the ballast set. Saw the above message, In stock too, I placed an order , Great I thought....Call then this am from MM, it was the incorrect ones they had up, The CIE Jobs are in stock.
  13. With initials DB perhaps LOL!
  14. Those prices are now far off what a new run would possibly be so no Drama there really.
  15. Damn Visa just Cleared and just sold a Vacform Kit on the Bay for STG250 happy days I thought! Gonna have to give this lark up I reckon. I'll just go for the Gypsums I think. you're on overdrive there Murphaph....Man alive.
  16. Pics here, I did take some shots of her back in the 90's but no idea where they went to. https://www.flickr.com/photos/ruthann/sets/72157624434223944/with/4766955043/
  17. Quite nice, I do like the Cameo of the disused engine / goods shed with the wagons parked along side. Nice little bit of Dereliction adds to the atmosphere instead of everthing being just so.
  18. Nice one, Something Different for a change, Always fancied the Polish stuff after seeing it in operation at the Dortmund show. Mind you I fancied everything else there too! Is it just to Tracks or can you add a siding in as well? How much are the 2 boards? Any Locos on the Scene yet?
  19. Wait till half of Europe arrives on Hols in the future kid! Car insurance this month so glad of the extra time here.
  20. Yes I seen that in the Video it stretched way over the turntable, not good for a loco, Interesting never the less.
  21. Tks Horse Discovered a bit more now! in the first half of the 1940s, a large number of class 52 locomotives of the Deutsche Reichsbahn were equipped with condenser tenders. They were initially used in war zones east of Germany, later also in northern France and Belgium. Due to the lack of a steam plume, they were not so easily noticed by the crews of enemy aircraft and could also be used in areas where the infrastructure for the intake of feed water was no longer available due to destruction. After the war , some machines of the 52 series were konstationed in the Mainz-Bischofsheim depot. In 1950 there were 16 locomotives with the numbers 1853z, 1862, 1907, 1919, 1935, 1941, 1957, 1987z, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2024z; other machines were stationed in Kirchweyhe, Duisburg-Wedau, Rosenheim, Munich-Ost and -HBf and Nördlingen, but were parked until mid-1954. In the area of what was later to become the GDR, 25 machines remained, which were used in the Cottbus area and converted into the normal version while retaining their company number. In Germany, the tender of 52 has been preserved in 1972 (source: Kondenslok.de), but no matching locomotive.
  22. Hi Lads, Just seen this on utube, Absolutely amazing Model, the Features on this a nuts, Reserving Gear works, chimney cap rotates, Tender flap opens, smoke out of Safety and whistle and cylinders Any one know any thing about it I imagine it is a condenser on the back? Let down by a crappy chuff sound though. Anyone know any history of this loco, I've had a look on the net and cannie find anything. heading off to do the lotto now I think.
  23. They will be still used a tramp Freighters for a while yet so fingers cross you will get a close up at some stage. Still visit SNN Regularly too. The production line for the A380 in Hamburg was Amazing to visit, the size of the beast up close and the cross sections you could view, you think layout wiring is bad!, Our guide for the couple of hours was the Jig designer, He was close to tears telling us everything will be scrapped. I think the A380s went into Knock for Scrapping Noel, 4 are due to be torn apart there. I would of though the 380's would of help on emission reduction given the capacity they could carry, Takes out 1 flight as opposed to the 2 jet twins. Also in Japan where they have super dense routes. shame really but they were flipping ugly yokes.
  24. LHR will be a strange sight without the BA 747's traipsing in and out during the day, An endangered species it seems all over the world, The 4 engined leviathans will be a rare sight in the skies in the not too distance future. I remember being in LHR for the fist 747-400 delivery in 1990,a Pairs Landing, I worked in a 4 Story building right next to 27R with a Fab view of the Threshold too. The final Take off was meant to be a pairs Take off, Weather was pants though, Talk of Negus being preserved in Kemble. I was lucky enough to have a few flight in them including being bumped up to 1st class on one occasion to Chicago. Missus still thinks I paid for it! LOL! always dress well for a flight https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=371159750917818&ref=watch_permalink&t=11
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