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Everything posted by Ironroad

  1. Please explain this question. It would be interesting to know if the sales chart for sales of the A class is a comparison of "apples to apples"
  2. Seems to have sold out already, but they have three of a version with the Esso logo with running no. 4021.
  3. A new version of the Heljan Esso Tank Wagon that should be of interest to Irish Modelers; http://www.hattons.co.uk/StockDetail.aspx?SID=203086
  4. Hi DJ, if you refer to the resources section on this forum you'll find a document published by IE in 2019 that provides a lot of infrastructure information on the Irish railway network;- the following is an extract: This explains the reasoning behind the length of passenger trains but not freight trains. Maximum Train Lengths The maximum length of passenger trains is governed by the length of platforms at stations the trains serve. Platform lengths are set out in Appendix 1B and are measured from Top of Ramp to Top of Ramp where usable length may actually be less. Usable lengths may vary according to signal location or local infrastructure. Please consult the Infrastructure Manager regarding the usable length for specific locations. Except where specifically authorised, the number of vehicles attached to fully braked freight trains must not exceed 36 Twenty-foot Equivalent Units (TEUs). For the purpose of calculating train lengths, one 18.6 m (62’ 9”) bogie wagon or one 22 m bogie pocket wagon is counted as 3 TEUs, all other bogie wagon types are counted as 2 TEUs and 2-axle wagons are counted as 1 TEU.
  5. That is to be commended, the "Nanny State" in Ireland seems to get more pervasive as time passes.
  6. Impressive, twice the length of an Irish train. No barriers or stop lights evident at the level crossing, are there advance warning lights?
  7. I'm in the same boat, and hoping it will be possible to consolidate an order. I also have a couple of questions. Is it possible to obtain appropriate lettering and logos for the bulk grain wagon and the open wagon? Also with regard to the bulk grain wagon the picture shown on the website displays this in a bauxite livery which is probably as they were at the end of their lives, However, for the greater part of their lives they were probably painted grey and it seems some of them were painted a bright red late '40s to early '60s, will these liveries be offered? Excellent stuff thank you
  8. Yes, I was only a kid but I remember my father complaining that the official position that they were to be used in Spain was a lie and the truth was they were sold as scrap. He was incensed at the sight of them being butchered on the quayside (North Wall) to make them fit in the hold of the ship.
  9. Not to mention the very limited stocks and choice of product in every store.
  10. Without having seen this thread I was thumbing through some old magazines yesterday and came across the "Plan of the Month" Aug 2009 in Railway Modeller the subject of which was Ballina. A great deal of the necessary rolling stock to create this has become available in RTR form in the meantime making this scheme a lot more feasible today, perhaps RM can be persuaded to rerun it? The picture is a taste, I do not want to infringe copywrite.
  11. Empty returns unfortunately
  12. Between three of us that accounts for 5, (which is quite amazing) lets see if the other 75 can be located LOL
  13. Very surprised to learn this, I have three of them, The paper is lifting off them and shows its age. Do you know if this was pure fantasy or was Guinness transported on British Rails in 6 wheel tankers?
  14. It's very sad to see this
  15. That took the air out of the room somewhat but the strive for perfection is appreciated. On the other hand does this also mean that you will also push back any announcements of future plans, the suspense is killing. Thank you
  16. Thank you that's something I did not know, I just remember them as mainly landscapes in monochrome (brown toned), but those carriages even then seemed like they were from another time.
  17. I came into the world in 1950 so I remember CIE steam and being on the footplate of a shunter at the Midland Depot at Nth Wall, - looking into the firebox made an impression . I also remember both the silver and green liveries and listening to an uncle of mine who was home on a visit from England expressing disgust at the change of livery to "Black & Tan" given the historical context of those colours. I had no real interest in railways and accordingly my memory on quite a lot is a bit vague. But I do remember that blazing embankments were a common sight in summer in the age of steam. I have a vivid memory of enormous crowds bound for Bray on the southbound platform at Tara St on summer Sunday afternoons (to the point it's a wonder they didn't spill onto the tracks). I was also fascinated by the coaches particularly very aged ones that quaintly had framed pictures on the compartment walls over the seats.
  18. This is a fantastic step forward for an entity I have allways found to be elusive, however the following is really a throwback; Quote "If you would like us to post you a printed copy of our latest illustrated catalogue, please send six Second Class stamps to the above address. (UK customers only)."
  19. Is anyone interested in this? https://www.ebay.com/itm/333975843278?ul_noapp=true
  20. Two questions, when does it stop snowing? And more seriously is it not the practice there to have a red lamp on the end of trains, looks like this video was shot at dusk or dawn?
  21. I simply click on "Activity" and scroll through to the point I last logged on, that way I see all postings in that time frame.
  22. I was not aware that a railway "police" existed but do know that CIE recruited regular staff to travel on the Sunday Mystery trains to act in the event of unacceptable behaviour which became a problem on some of these excursion trains. Staff travelled undercover but other that liaising with Garda I don't think they had any real authority. Why do this if they had an actual policing unit?
  23. Irish post codes (Eircodes) are specific to actual addresses so these should not be used here, suggest using the name of the townland or suburb.
  24. Call H&S, no tail lights!!!
  25. Hi DJ, " modern" is quite relative. Tin vans were "modern" This is the cover of Railway Modeller May 1964;-
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