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DJ Dangerous

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Everything posted by DJ Dangerous

  1. When it comes to 21mm, what is the equivalent of a set-track R2 / 438mm radius curve? I understand that nice gentle flowing curves are ideal, but for behind the scenes, helixes etc, carrying double or triple track, what sort of space is required? Does the inner rail of a 16,5mm 438mm radius curve work as a starting point for 21mm, or is there something that I'm missing?
  2. It'll be worth it, whatever is revealed to us!
  3. I have to second your OP, @spudfan. I'll often write to IRM at very very unsociable hours. I never expect a response there and then, it's more about getting the message sent off because I know that I won't be able to compose it properly during less-unsociable hours. I'm happy to wait until the following week for a reply, it's never ever that urgent. And yet, the long-suffering @Garfield is there replying in the middle of the night and at weekends and stuff. I almost feel guilty for writing in the first place, when he replies. We truly are spoiled with the level of customer service that we receive, and from reading RMWeb, the Accurascale end of things is just as well covered. So thank you to the IRM lads for the care that they show!
  4. Slightly smaller road vehicles this time: N-Gauge seems to be an eclectic mix of 1:144, 1:148, 1:50 and 1:160.
  5. That sounds excellent! Now to find some poor sucker who I can cajole / convince / beg / bribe / threaten into packing their air gun into their suitcase and doing some work!
  6. So just to be clear, this is literally a complete kit, only requiring assembly and painting? https://shop.bowatersmodels.co.uk/collections/coras-iompair-eireann/products/1-32-scale-cie-class-071?variant=42376057192627 Why did I think that they were wooden kits with no detailing parts?
  7. Good stuff. He's like an armadillo. Might seem tough on the outside but he's all squishy on the inside.
  8. One is only a provisional sale, you never know!
  9. You could always buy one of the three that @Georgeconna is selling, then swap that with @Gabhal Luimnigh . In fact, @Gabhal Luimnigh Could buy one of those from @Georgeconna and then sell one of his and make a profit!
  10. Couple of videos up on YouTube today.
  11. Special enough to buy an Irish diesel in HO? I'd certainly buy one or two. I do know of somebody who unwittingly bought some HO Lima Mk2's for re-spraying... The less said there the better, I guess.
  12. A few tweaks to the cabs and bogies, and it doesn't need to be an April 1st announcement!
  13. @murphaph the weatherman is probably correct. Finding a swap is twice as hard as selling and then buying, as you need both events to coincide.
  14. If Rails of Sheffield list these two on their eBay store, keep an eye because they give out discount codes every week or two. This weeks code is JOY15.
  15. After the GSR 800's, of course.
  16. Any chance you'll be re-running the Bell 20' reefers at some stage, @Arran? I'd love a trainload of them, and I'm sure a few others would be all over them in a flash. Not looking at anybody in particular, @murphaph the weatherman!
  17. Found this video of Campbell Riverside on YouTube, with some Class 50's. The Shuttle Controller is awesome. I have two of those here for a one-day layout. I can't help but hear Nelson from the Simpsons every time the horn sounds. I know that there's a hidden FB page for the layout but I can't remember my password and am too lazy to look it up. There's also an RMW thread but my RMW password only works on my mobile, not on the desktop, so bleurgh.
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