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Everything posted by NorthWallDocker

  1. The Tralee & Dingle Light Railway had a harbor spur at Dingle. Rolling stock in 00n3 is affordably available in kit form from Dundas Models (https://dundasmodels.co.uk/webstore/index.php/hikashop-menu-for-module-108/category/512-dundas-models-00n3-rolling-stock-kits). I don't know if the butter van(s) were used for fish too, but that's a book-research question. You might feel inspiration from the Cheshire Model Railway Club's layout "Dingle": https://www.narrowgaugenorth.org.uk/index.php/exhibitors/previous-years/97-dingle. Reinforcing what others mentioned, Andy Cundick's exhibition layouts of Valentia and Courtmacsherry simply stun and inspire. In the vicinity of Killybegs, Dr. Alan Gee has published many articles about his several Donegal 00n3 railway layouts and models. Richard Ellis-Hobbs offers 00n3 3-D printed kits of Burtonport Extension Railway carriages on Shapeways (https://www.shapeways.com/shops/glr3dmodeldesign). Mannin Models offers a 3-D printed locomotive body for Schull & Skibbereen locomotive 4, minus 12mm gauge chassis for 4-4-0. If you wanted to "compromise" on gauge, someone is offering a S & S loco with 9mm chassis (2' 3" scale gauge) right now: https://ngrm-online.com/index.php?/forums/topic/30677-update-to-mannin-models-skull-skibbereen-loco/. You might also borrow from libraries some books about the harbor railways and harbors mentioned: the Schull & Skibbereen, the Midland Great Western Railway, the Londonderry & Lough Swilly, the Letterkenny & Burtonport Extension Railway, and Fishguard & Rosslare Railways and Harbours Company. Depending on size, the Dublin docks offer a lot of options, including a small Hiberd "Planet" switching locomotive, reproduced in 00 scale by Nonneminstre Models (http://www.nonneminstre.co.uk/4mm-standard-gauge.php) Ordnance Survey maps offer site plans with railway structures and tracks that changed over time for the locales mentioned. Have fun exploring and learning.
  2. Very much enjoying your descriptive writing and your photographs.
  3. @raymurphmight be interested.
  4. Is the train an Issmayer design? http://www.tcawestern.org/issmayer.htm Note the stationary steam engine model, too.
  5. David Hurst, proprietor of Model Engine Works, offers a very affordable kit that can use a Halling motor bogie. http://modelengineworks.blogspot.com/2022/04/castlederg-and-victoria-bridge-tramway.html
  6. Having nudged my Irish narrow gauge steam railways interest, I would love to be able to buy some models of DART EMUs in late 1980s livery.
  7. An important part of customer service is to under-promise, then over-deliver. And, speaking personally, this is the classic psychological "marshmallow test" of one's ability to delay immediate gratification for the likelihood of greater future gratification. I'm looking forward to whatever Murphy Models and Irish Railway Models might bring forth in the next few years that's finely detailed and authentically Irish. I'm especially intrigued by the employment of a designer with narrow gauge steam railway modelling expertise.
  8. Hello. I've sent a message about several books.
  9. I'm making the trek tomorrow (and maybe Sunday also) to the massive railway models show, "Trainfest" in Milwaukee. https://www.train-fest.com/ It's been maybe ten or more years since I've been able to attend. If any other members of this parish are also attending Trainfest, such as @mmie353, feel free to send me a private message and maybe we could meet up for lunch there. Also, if you're looking for a specific U.S. or Canadian model or parts, feel free to PM me with your wants and desired maximum price. If it's manageable and I spot it, I'd be happy to get something to you safely, at cost plus USPS postage. Often, the manufacturers, sellers, and clubs offer show discounts. Irish modellers in Ireland and the U.K. have been very generous to me with their time and materials, and I'd like to pay it forward. Martin
  10. Wonderful tip. Thank you, Andy. I just sent a query to Nonneminstre Models to purchase a kit of the Hibberd 11-ton diesel, if the proprietor has it in stock. Martin
  11. The potential risk of 3-D printing is the accuracy you need for keeping gauge and stability. I'd suggest what Galteemore suggested, and the Chadwick Model Railway Club's video instruction.
  12. Might you be able to post a few photos of the "raised track" you want to replicate in miniature? I've considered a replica of the locomotive shed, too, during the steam locomotive era.
  13. Littera scripta manet. "The written word endures."
  14. John, so many of us are grateful for all your creative artistry, and your willingness to share that art with like-minded folks around the world. Martin
  15. Also, to see saved copies of past Provincial Wagons web pages, try searching the "Wayback Machine" web crawler database at web.archive.org for "www.provincialwagons.com" and look at the second page of retrieved records captured 1 May 2019. https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.provincialwagons.com*
  16. If this might help in the interim, here is Leslie's list of models from 2020, subject to his current stock and any price changes: CIE 1950 cattle wagon @ £29.00 CIE 1950 cattle wagon FIVE pack @ £140.00 CIE 1950 cattle wagon TEN pack @ £275.00 GNR Y5 Passenger Van @ £35.00 GSWR 10T Brake van @ £33.00 UTA Brown Van @ £29.00 CIE Sundries Container @ £12.00 CIE 27xxx Container flat kit Flat @ £20.00 CIE 27xxx Container flat with skeleton kit @ £22.00 CIE 27xxx Container flat with Sundries Container kit @ £30.00 CIE 27xxx Container skeleton flat with Sundries Container kit @ £32.00 Beer Tubs @ £9.00 CIE Bulleid Ballast Flat kit @ £22.00 CIE Bulleid Corrugated sided Open kit @ £23.00 CIE Bulleid 1953 "H" Van kit @ £25.00 Double Beet Kit @ £28.00 Double Beet Kit (Five Pack @ £125.00 CIE Bulleid 1953 "H" Van RTR @ £45.00 CIE Bulleid Corrugated sided RTR @ £45.00 Beer Tubs @ £9.00 GNR Cattle Wagon KIT @ £25.00 SLNCR Cattle Wagon KIT @ £25.00 GNR 9 ton van kit @ £24.00 GNR 10 ton van Fitted @ £25.00 GNR 10 ton van Unfitted @ £24.00 Loco Coal Wagon KIT @ £26.00 GNR or CIE Brake Van KIT @ £29.00 Spoil Wagon kit @ £27.00 John Milligen Coal No.58 @ £16.50 UTA Van No.2459 @ £13.50
  17. You could always go with a larger scale: https://ozarkmountainrailcar.com/railEquipment.php?itemId=2525&category=Passenger Equipment
  18. Informally, I'm happy to offer a bit of "looking help" and potentially postal shipping for someone seeking certain U.S. design models or books. I'm based near Chicago and we're fortunate to have two large hobby shops that specialize in railway models and kits, Des Plaines Hobbies and Chicagoland Hobby and Toy, as well as a monthly sellers' show for small unincorporated modellers who rent tables and sell in several large exhibition halls at the DuPage County Fairgrounds. Both hobby shops have web sites, but Des Plaines Hobbies is more comprehensive. Chicagoland Hobby offers a lot on eBay that can also be purchased cheaper, faster in person. Slower, definitely, but possibly better savings. Books and U.S. models here tend to be glutting the market from estates, so prices can sometimes be pennies on the dollar compared to online distributors. In my own Irish railway interests, I've been fortunate to have much material help from gentlemen involved in this conversation. I'm happy to keep a lookout to pay something forward. Martin
  19. One would hope it is a simple jiggling of the "1" key... but the seller has three coaches listed for that price. https://www.ebay.ie/sch/m.html?item=353795305860&_ssn=belah196&_sop=16
  20. NorthWallDocker


    Very pleased to find your proposal to share your historical research and resulting designs as model kits. Thank you.
  21. Neat little MGWR turntable, engine shed, and water tank. Could anyone (@jhb171achill ?) recommend to me (1) a source for working turntable wheels and castings, including an overhead shop crane that might match the turntable sides and frame? (2) a source for a site plan of Ballaghadereen (or similar Midland branch line) that would give diameter and structure dimensions?
  22. @jhb171achill, I have a Rockler Woodworking shop near me here in Chicago and would be happy to send you one or two of the lazy susan mechanisms at cost, if you'd like. U.S. postage to Ireland by slow boat parcel rate should still be affordable. I need to buy a few kits from Des Sullivan in Ennis, so maybe we could work out you holding the cash and sending it to Des when I'm ready to order.
  23. N-Drive Productions has the former Backwoods Miniatures turntable available for GBP 60 plus post. It replicates the County Donegal Railways turntable at Killybegs -- made from the underframe of a scrapped locomotive. Unfortunately, Neville Kent does not have a photo nor mention of it on his current web site, but he quoted me the availability and price last year. https://www.n-driveproductions.com/ I've uploaded three photographs that I found somewhere, or that he sent me.
  24. GNR(I) Hill of Howth Tramway plat maps: https://www.the-saleroom.com/en-gb/auction-catalogues/purcellauctioneers/catalogue-id-purcel10004/lot-d9d4d1fe-ad0e-419b-9dda-adbb0109cbb5
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