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Everything posted by Railer

  1. No, there's 15 dumped with 2 vans at Northwall yard for the past 10 years. One of the vans was set on fire late last year in an arson attack.
  2. Yep, and that wagon was a spoil wagon and not part of the weedspray formation even though it has a tank installed on it too. It was just thrown on the set for brake force.
  3. They can't work in multiple. Only the GM locos can. The 2 A classes were because of it's reliability or lack there of. The second loco would be there purely as back incase the other failed.
  4. Yeah, I really enjoyed reading the 100mph 071 test run myself, and the fact the 071 still had bit of power left in reserve from what I recall and the driver throttled back to keep it under 105 or there abouts. The Mk3A International was rated out to 110mph, I assume that was done with a 201 before the electronic speed limiters were introduced or maybe isolated for the run.
  5. I only ever saw them as caged (tanktainers), so I'd say from the mid to late 80s, perhaps around '85-'87 they moved to the tanktainer barrier wagons. I've never seen them mixed but I'm sure there must have been a transition period around that time.
  6. I'm not to well up on how the ferts ran, but I believe it was mentioned on here a few times that the 48s kept to themselves and never really mixed in rakes of non modified wagons. Now, a job for the rivit counters, matching up the 48s with their real running numbers if you wanted a full rake of different numbered 48 modified wagons. That would be a challenge
  7. Just nabbed 2 bundles for myself. I thought these would hang around alot longer before I had to pull the trigger. Lads must be delighted these sold so well considering all the adjustments and thinkering that was needed to get them to their standard. Have the ferts, bells and bubbles, all that's needed is the kegs to complete the perfect cross border mixed liner.
  8. Hope you guys are looking into ramping up production run batches or maybe too much of a risk at this stage.
  9. Is this all the stock gone or is it like the PFAs (excellent wagons BTW) where that was extra stock coming in my ship weeks later?
  10. And so they should and is very evident in the models too. It's the picture in page 2 of this thread with 113 in the modern NIR livery hauling a rake of ferts that had me. It must be the angle making of the shot making the 071 profile appear taller against the fert wagons. Either way, when are these going up, I missed placing an order.
  11. Just by eye in the videos of the models running and from photos of the real things. I was using the side window of the 071 against the side of the fert as a rough guide.
  12. Either PM scaled the 071s too small or the ferts are too tall or a bit of both. The fert roof profile should more or match an 071 in height and shape?
  13. Yeah delivery takes 7 working days for me now as apposed to next day delivery before everything because UK based due to Brexit.
  14. I volunteer with the RPSI in Inchicore and to be honest it will be a small miracle to get 3185 back to working order again. There are major rust problems externally with holes the size of your hand in the bodywork. You can actually see through from one side to the other in places. That's not to even mention electrical and boiler issues. 3173 will be doing the solo honours for a very long time. There is alot of pressure to keep 3173 as best it can be as without it Dublin rake cannot operate.
  15. I've said it before and I'll say it again. PM could do another run of BGMs and they would still sell like hot cakes. There's so many modelers getting into the Irish scene since they officially sold out, many of them interesting in the IR and IE eras.
  16. I posted it last March.
  17. NIR 70 class hauled them too
  18. On a slightly lighter note, what springs to mind readying this topic is the Osaka Flu from the Simpsons.
  19. Will the bundle deal still be on after stock arrives?
  20. There was some speculation that 790 would not be able to cover all the areas that the spray train can due to it's minimum turn radius, don't know how true that is, I'd imagine that would only be for some sidings and such like.
  21. I see from photos posted online that there is a rake of spoil wagons being returned to flats and the 42s that were part of the weedspray train are having their water tanks removed at Portlaois Per Way Yard. I know the weedspray train has had its day but why the the spoil wagons, are they surplus to requirements? By chance, does anyone know how many flats were converted to spoil wagons?
  22. 4 listings you mean, 2x IRM and 2x ACS wagons.
  23. I have a picture of a 121 running with a set on the DSER.
  24. I got 15 packs and all bar 2 required running in. About 5 or 6 of my 30 wagons had axle caps that came off in the box but they went back on of but some of them started to bind with the bogies. My Dapol 68 came in great for the running in, they are just pure brute force of a model. Bit disappointed compared to the tara wagons that ran like a dream out of the box and still do. Sorting out all the buffer head stocks is a pain though and the amount of buffers that were poorly fitted at the factory. It's like they were really under pressure and rushed. I just hope the ferts and everything else going forward are to the tara wagons standard.
  25. Brexit preparations from the IRM Accurascale lads.
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