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Everything posted by Westcorkrailway

  1. Pile of brand new 0 gauge british locos and coaches from “basset lowke” if anyone here is interested
  2. On a seperate note does anyone know who made this exclusivly scratchbuilt stuff….and more importantly what they had…
  3. It’s on Facebook, railway modelers Ireland group
  4. Aperently this lot of 0 and 00 gauge stuff is for sale
  5. Bulleid wagons, GSR opens, any old vans from GSWR to modern CIE ones…and of course flat wagons if your making a car trains (some of which were GNR in origin ) and yes after hearing that I had a massive facepalm having past your GNR flats at raheeny and not purchased em what you need in terms of loco stock for west cork running (well bantry anyway) is bandon tank at lest 2 C class locos An AEC railcar GSWR F6, J10 and the other 4-4-2 loco with the box ivatt cab the CBSC tank from 00 works (aka J24) Of course I’d you apply some imagination as I would, you could add An A class (went there at least once ) a 121 maybe one or two Black and Tan things (some coaches were painted Black and Tan in Rocksavage works) WLWR 4-4-2s if you can make one A midland J26 an E401 class (trialed on the courtmac line) Molaga, argideen no.90 and 100 (no idea why they would be there) A Baldwin (lol)
  6. 207 was slightly different though, she had the Inchicore style double doors. (the fact I know this probobly means I have gained rivet counter citizenship)
  7. It most certainly does! I need to do one of these myself but as. Said. Possible 3D print project. Make sure to number it 201. The only one of these locomotives that wore black Very nice. And I must say that kent layout is savage as it stands right now
  8. The only green models you will be getting is fertiliser pallets!
  9. I’ll put them in order IMO in Likelyness to be made 1. V/ VS class (I believe if one is made there would be a long wait for the other) 2. 800 class 3.S class/Q class (again if one is made it would be a long wait for another) 4. jeeps 5.J-15 (00 works have this covered for a while) 6. Bandon tanks (my personal favourite) 7. MGWR J26 (my personal 2nd favourite) 8.NCC mogul (unless it’s rebuilt faster then I suspect)
  10. Afraid not, though even as someone who does not pay much attention to busses most of the time….this collection made me open my eyes (and that’s just one of 3 cabinets…)
  11. Sher look at what use early 60s modellers we’re able to do up to now. (this is stuff from a collection in west cork territory…it ain’t mine unfortunately) I’m told then green on C212 is very accurate!
  12. most young fellas start out with Hornby English steam trains….so when they go irish…..that’s what they probobly hope to find!
  13. Shocking photo I know, but another layout in west cork has one of these scratchbuilt for the basic tri-ang/Hornby 0-6-0. It might not be very visible but it’s a superb job. One that could easily be replicated with the 3D printer
  14. I got about 15 of these from 1947-50 recently. They’re the best most cute thing I even seen!
  15. Hopefully another example of how this technology can be used
  16. If I were you, I’d make the building out of corrugated sheeting for a real halt feel to it….of course that’s just me
  17. It’s not from halfway around the world…actually it is from Donegal
  18. I wanted to start a thread (not sure if one had been done) in the same vein as “British to Irish conversion” thread. But for stuff where a Body could be 3D printed and out on top of a pre existing Chassis At the moment number 90 which is build around this principle of using the old Hornby terrier chassis has sold over 100 Units or something like that now being in the area that I am I was theorising some EX GSWR West Cork locos to do from a generic 0-6-0 chassis of some kind from an LNYR 2-4-2 from an Adams radial with the outside cylinders chopped off 08 shunter chassis….these are repainted by silverfox but not a fully authentic shell So I’m making this thread, I hope to help or inspire those who are 3d printing to try and make attempts of Irish steam era stuff, as that era is starting to become more attractive and Of course, as you come up with ideas add them below
  19. And it does not have the same grab as Maebh….but if you use rule 1. A Bandon would fit into most layouts. I’m theory they could run almost anywhere while maebh would have a much harder time fitting into any place. You could have them shunting, or working a goods train on a branchline. Or working a permanent way train…
  20. I in my very unbiased opinion think that Bandon tanks should be produced forever in every gauge
  21. Another livery for the list so? Didn’t think they repainted 464 after 1961
  22. One day I’ll be hoping to get one half as good as yours! at the moment somone else has my bandon shell. Hoping to get it back at some point soon as ive not had it for a year.
  23. There are some lovely examples of the colour CIE used to paint the West cork stations to close em! Including the interior of one particular signal box Green/ red and cream/yellow seems to have been the most popular colours alright. I have seen blue being used too though. Any photos of a plan of this layout?
  24. Call this treason. But I think the J26 would be the only way to introduce MGWR to RTR (unless you count the MM k class) it ran all over the country even in wierd corners like the Waterford and tramore. would make an excellent shunting layout locomotive. I’d take one over Any G, E or D class anyway Hornby already made an SLNC Open wagon…
  25. I believe he means the CBSC tank engine 00 works produced. Mine has that issue….they fixed it free of charge but mine still seems to be slowly wearing away
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