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Everything posted by Westcorkrailway

  1. You could have one in GNR blue, UTA blue, CIE green, UTA green, black and tan and then push pull variant. And then you’d have to make a C class for the push pull variant
  2. the new west cork book has drawings of AEC railcars in the back page somehwere. I’m getting my review copy tommorow might help with a kit if I ever made one, or a 3D print
  3. I have seen a grand total of 7 images of the kinsale Branchline while in use in all my searching. 8 if you add the turning of the first sod which oddly enough in a rare case of early 1960s photography….was photographed! and not many of the photos I’ve found are all that good. There is one panoramic shot of the station area, one that illustrates the cork and bandon livery, one that shows the kinsale crash of 1915 and one showing the turntable (which I seem to have found a large piece of!) and the 2-4-0s that would have been Standard on the line at that point. The rest are pretty garbage. Ballymartle is the holy grail I’m looking for. I have 3 photographs of it 10-30 years post closure but nothing while twas in use….a station that can be seen from my bedroom window I can imagine that in some place there is WCIR stuff somehere, but it takes time to track it down
  4. Good news for @Flying Snail!
  5. Sammy has covered the Irish stuff in his most recent video model railway news (it’s only these and the 3D printing bits I find good content!) He plans on pairing the Black and Tan genesis coach with his 121 as there the same livery… Who’s gonna tell him
  6. Seems the DNGR and CMDR had 4 wheel coaches. Some of these were still seen on sidings in the mid 40s! Yes aperently so, can’t find many photos of it. If it is the coach in Ernie shepards book it does appear to be very long for what JB says these coaches look like
  7. the reason that CPO’s are a little harder to justify is the IFA and the split of land. It’s been 60 years since the closure of most railways and since then the land had been chopped and changed constantly and as a result, If the line were to follow its old direct route it would be chopped into 2 big seperate peices which can be very inconvinient….I’ve seen it with the macroom bypass and it’s the reason my father rejects the west cork lines re-opening as a greenway or railway. They will ruin a fairly straight forward farm where the price given with a CPO can’t really justify the overpass/underpass with all the extra work involved. Also it may de-values the price of the land itself ok so I’ve edited in this to explain my point Red is the farm house/yard green is the land owned blue is the railway/greenway to by purchased by CPO now this guy has had his land split into two. Most of his farm is now not directly connected with his farm yard making movements very difficult Whereas for this guy, the old line would be so out of the way that moving a greenway in would reduce land size but hardly effect logistics Currently off all the bus routes to west cork. The 237 and 226 are double coaches decker. And most single deck coaches are fairly full. Currently a private company west cork connect also run a good few bus at cheaper prices
  8. I’ve noticed that, like we have just had 4 big announcements from IRM 2 big announcements from MM 1 big announcement from hattons JM designs possibly getting 3D printing again virtually every era has had representation in the past month! From GSR to 2022. does The bank account really top up that fast!
  9. Exactly what I would have said. There were 1 or 2 minds willing to wait for fully authentic versions and while it’s a great prospect, the English market can’t even have there own 6 wheelers. If you want fully authentic ones…kits exist I wonder is there a market for undecorated ones for slightly cheaper, so people could paint up in GSR, or indeed any livery
  10. That’s almost entirely depends on how successful this run of coaches is
  11. I think the main issue with the above 850 is the lack of belfaire firebox
  12. They loook alright if your willing to go mad in the livery department I’d recommend contacting the erwitt lodge page in Facebook who made an 850 class
  13. Rmweb claims that could be a 36 month wait….winter of 23 is the new release date….these Rustons were announced January 5th 2021….
  14. I was so tempted to pick one of those up to make my GSRPS at halfway set… seriously what’s up with those
  15. My silverfox railcars were 13 months can we get any higher ? Perhaps buy the 4 pack plus a 5th coach for “experiments” so if you ruin it, you have the complete coaches to sell on? Unless you reckon there is no risk on damaging anything just seen that the steps are screwed into place instead of glued on. Fantastic, I hope that’s the case with these ones as they'd be Miles more solid
  16. I reckon that 4 pack will be worth silly money after a few years. A46 has over taken A39R as the most in demand A class and this is the best rolling stock for it
  17. I am fairly sure no such transfers for the green version exist. Not sure how easy it would be to make them either. Certainly a more basic version of this is very achievable
  18. But perhaps it comes in, in two hours Perhaps it breaks down on the way "If it does," says the guard, "be the powers We're here for the rest of the day!" (or 2023/4)
  19. I once found a rattle can that was pretty Damn near GSR grey (according to the 00 works gospel) I have to find out what it was…as I’ve since lost all my rattle cans to a spring clean
  20. Unfortunatly that’s the full drawing. You’ll have to guesstimate
  21. GSR 670 Class 0-6-2T drawings via @KMCE
  22. Really it’s a case of “can it fit” the N2 looks like it’s more pronounced in height then 673….and that space could be used by the manufacture for essential parts
  23. So with them on, you reckon radius 2 would be too much for them to cope with? All my track is radius 3 so I’ll survive
  24. I’m not sure if the loco itself is similar to anything…I wonder could the wheel arrangement be changed for something like 461.
  25. So I take it they’ll be in the ”detail bag” for self application. That’s definitely a plus.
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