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Everything posted by enniscorthyman

  1. It's all coming along nicely Stephen,fantastic stuff,and you are blessed with plenty of room for your track and rolling stock.I have to get the finger out on my own layout in the attick in a few weeks.
  2. A bit of video from a few test trains today. The ballast and cravens plus the short CIE goods seem to run best after my beet train was driving me soft derailing all the time.As my attic is devoid of track,its only now I can see what is running well and what work needs to be done in future on my rolling stock.Perhaps on my future attic layout,track will be better and hopfully less derailments.
  3. Very nice indeed.
  4. Shem is a railway Guru now so he can get away with it lol.
  5. A few cans of the black stuff and that music on in the backgroungd and you would be right as rain.
  6. I see Shem you have been upgraded to a Guru status,well may I be the first to say well done to you on your fantastic achievement.Now tell us oh wise one what the future holds for Irish modelrailways.
  7. I love this- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7JKuZg1mB8
  8. In other words you replaced the main spring.
  9. Well what can you say about this Kilkenny team,the Hunger for victory is unsurpassed. Here in Wexford Hurling seems to be dying which is alarming to me.Football,soccer and rugby are claiming a lot of youngsters away from hurling.1996 will be Wexfords last All Ireland for a very long time.
  10. Fantastic paint job,well done.
  11. Thanks for that John.
  12. That's great thanks Rich.I am thinking of buying one in the near future.
  13. Just had a look at the DC Kits G class shunter and was wondering has anyone stuck a decoder in one or is there much room inside for one?.
  14. Thanks for the comments lads. The ballast in the ikea bag is only for storage.
  15. Very nice,well done.
  16. The Garda Transit would be nice for the layout alright. Anyone know about the Dennis fire engine that was supposed to come out?.
  17. Ten Hail Marys for you Shem-
  18. Stunning stock and layout Kieran,fair play to you.The Irish Village looks great and great job on the an post transit.You have a fantastic collection of rolling stock and locos-very nice.
  19. A few more photos taken this evening.Just some more work to do on grass trees etc.
  20. Well Holy God-I did not think that the video would have that affect on you.
  21. Really nice job on the weathering.
  22. great job there,well done
  23. This vintage day has be changed to October 21th due to a local tragedy.
  24. The signals are SSM kits as are the an post decals.The Transit van comes from the Oxford die cast range in white.
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