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leslie10646 last won the day on March 18

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  • Biography
    Born Belfast 1946 and educated there until Queens University saw through me and threw me out - a lucky break as I became a computer programmer in London and somehow survived thirty years in computing before retiring early. After a couple of years in China, I returned to the UK and became a tour manager with Great Rail Journeys - I still work for them after 19 years.


  • Interests
    Steam, steam and more steam! Blue engines with mahogany coaches are best. Modelling Portadown GNR(I)


  • Occupation
    Tour Manager

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  1. Dapol couplings with NEM pocket: https://www.dapol.co.uk/products/coupnemoo-oo-gaugenem-couplings-pack-of-40 OR https://www.dapol.co.uk/products/4s-024-cpm-00-gauge-spares-h-l-040-coupling-and-mount-ea-r?variant=46055267139807 I knew Dapol sold them as we have them in our kits and Michael had to have a source! Obviously the pack listed first!
  2. Looks Ok to me: 9 June 1957 Lance King Collection Copyright IRRS
  3. Just a word from a supplier's viewpoint. I've sent stuff to both Addresspal and Parcel Motel and they seem to work very well. Getting stuff to John in the Canaries fell over when the last lot was returned after six weeks - more to do with local problems on the Island, it seems. These agencies rely too much on Artificial Intelligence at times and it's not THAT intelligent. I suspect that another issue is that people (when they exist at all) are poorly trained, or take the easiest option. Service? Don't make me laugh!
  4. Thanks for the shot of No.207, Ernie. I immediately thought - Thursdays only tourist train for folk staying at the UTA's hotels. But the 26th was a TUESDAY! Also May is a bit early to be holidaying in Northern Ireland! Someone with a set of Weekly notices can sort this one out!
  5. Like a Sunday School Saturday at Portrush, but with diesels!
  6. Yes, one of each would be good, as I'm dual gauge!
  7. Wow, @Galteemore, how right you are! Thanks Leslie
  8. Ivan, she was restored with No.207's tender because the Society's hope was to run Belfast to Dublin, or vice versa, NON-STOP. Received wisdom was that you needed the 4,000 gallons of the Class VS tenders. It wasn't a happy marriage ans the coupling of loco to tender caused a rough ride - at least that was The Word in those days. She was reunited with a more appropriate tender later - certainly non later than 1975 or so.
  9. A long way to go for a sarnie and quiche, but well done supporting a wonderful institution which is common to both islands. I was reminded of this when a RNLI crew from somewhere in South West Ireland were on the boat to Holyhead - heading for Poole to pick up their new boat!
  10. I was very sorry to have had an e-mail to inform me of Ken's passing. I only had one opportunity to meet Ken when he picked up one of Bob Sankey's trains - see As others have related, his skill as an innovative modeller was impressive and we are lucky to have his thread to remind us of his Works. A privilege to have met him. Rest in Peace, Ken, you'll be missed.
  11. Ah, Ernie, a Man of Taste. Young sounds as he did forty years ago! One of my favourite Neil Young tracks tells it all - "A Man needs a Maid". My Filipina Amah in HK thought that it said everything! You need a maid, then you can get on with the modelling, writing up logs, scanning lsides .......
  12. Very nice, but as I asked before, where are the locos named after Belfast-built ships: Vide: 50 033 Glorious, 50 041 Bulwark , 50 043 Eagle, 50 050 Fearless? Call yourselves an Irish company? Tut, tut! Of course I don't want to buy one, but having a rant is fun!
  13. Patrick, Yes, we'll miss the pics and videos - you were my best salesman All the best with the move and I hope that the caring goes as well as can be - good for you both, for doing it!
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