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Everything posted by ttc0169

  1. They were blue Sean
  2. The early morning Shelton abbey to Marino point ammonia train gets priority through Tara junction station, The train is being hauled by locomotive 201, I replaced the original MIR barrier wagons with some spare IRM 42’ bogie wagons they look the part on the iconic train.
  3. Used for carrying rubbish bags from trains and refuse bins to the recycling compound at Heuston station
  4. Thanks, they were a previously released version of the IRM model, bought on eBay.
  5. Sulzer locomotive 107 unusually works the stores oil transfer between the MPD and Northwall
  6. Thank you David, very much appreciated Yes the night time light setting has achieved that result which I am delighted with.
  7. A Bus Eireann VP makes its way through the High street.
  8. Sunday morning on Ashburton grove we see 37 251 propel the inspection saloon to the loop to allow a Leeds to Kings cross HST and a 56 hauled MGR train pass.
  9. Locomotive 181 has arrived at the Lakeview freight yard with a pallet cement train, then later on is seen shunting cement bubbles.
  10. A fitter opens the engine access doors on B134 to check the oil and water levels.
  11. Driver training on the High street.
  12. I have created a Facebook page for Tara junction see attached link... https://www.facebook.com/groups/1857961524335536/?ref=share
  13. Sunday night at the shed, 143 is receiving attention inside the shed....and later was joined by 080
  14. They are from the scene-craft range of figures by Bachmann.
  15. The new customer information system has been installed and is in operation on platform two & three at Tara junction.
  16. Good for me too.... Used during the Belfast line relaying programme of the late 1990s I believe
  17. Lads-Any chance of fast tracking a Super train liveried 001 class for Christmas...it would be perfect for hauling these new additions to the range.......just sayin.......
  18. Bank holiday Monday freight action. According to the 1981 CIE working timetable there was an 11:35 liner departure from Belfast Adelaide freight depot to Northwall, Here we see the BELL freight liner unusually being hauled by Metro Vick locomotive 226 pass through Tara junction station making good progress.
  19. It’s a quiet bank holiday weekend at the Lakeview freight depot
  20. Shop local and support Irish business's, Model rail base boards in Edenderry. https://www.modelrailbaseboards.com/home
  21. Great news -an order has been placed for a selection of wagons ,luckily I have spare plough vans which will come in handy.
  22. Thanks DJ, 208 is a Murphy model.
  23. When B134 developed low power problems,it and B188 were sent to the MPD for attention on the load bank... Here we see B134 being tested at the load bank-such a wonderful sound from its 645 engine... 085 passes through hauling the Northwall-Waterford BELL liner.
  24. The Asahi liner departed North-wall at 19:00 M-F and operated to a strict timetable to Ballina arriving there at 00:30-the operating instructions are a very interesting read, The wagons were maintained at the wagon shop in North wall.
  25. And would be useful for existing containers and keg loads too.......
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