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Everything posted by ttc0169

  1. Excellent video Anthony....it's what railway modelling is all about....recreating the real thing in miniature and getting enjoyment out of it...you have certainly done that-well done.
  2. Photo taken from the station footbridge sees 0117071 move slowly towards the limit of the possession-(the red light in the distance) in order to discharge ballast from the rearmost wagons.
  3. A late night possession of the station area sees ballasting and tamping taking place, 0117071 has charge of the HOBS train which is about to discharge along platform one, On platform two tamper 751 has started working under the watchful eye of Tommy the engineer in charge of the operation.
  4. "Wonderful weathering" not overdone either with dirt in all the right places... A lovely setting too Eamonn.
  5. Still a bit of work to be done on the loco-but it's looking great at this stage of its overhaul.
  6. Slowly getting there-painting track and baseboard a shade of brown... The HOBS train and tamper are next up for some intensive ballasting work.... Embankment work in progress as well.
  7. Hi Kieran, Yes it wasn't an easy decision to change track plans but I'm delighted I did, My priority was first to get the trains moving again and see how they performed on the new tracks, Phase two will be some painting and ballasting with the final stage of some areas of scenery-not my strongest point-but I'll give it a go.
  8. Cheers and thank you Eamonn Another late night at Tara Jctn eventually saw some action..... From the left 0117077 rests on the turntable road, 29001 stands on the loop road, Mk2 NIR set arrives behind 208, 2607+2608 arrive on platform 4, 8208 has charge of the down Enterprise on platform 3, 234 pushes the Mk4 set on platform 2, Last but not least loco 201 shares the bay platform with the arrow 2601+ 2602. An eventful evening....!!
  9. Morning gentlemen, After a few weeks of inactivity I got to work again yesterday on the layout, I wasn't happy with the original track plan so I started again, This time I have a four track mainline station with the potential for four trains operating at the one time, I have also installed a turntable and this can be accessed from the MPD without causing any conflicting movements with the main lines, Colour light signal control the station area.
  10. Patrick-the restriction applied to the river bridge at Ballisodare,which has since been refurbished, There is now no restriction on the operation of the 071/201s locomotives on the entire Sligo line.
  11. Superb work and inspirational,well done Raymond, I'm watching your layout develop with great interest.
  12. From my records I see that nearly all of the 201s were fitted with the new marker lights during 2001,with the 071s shortly afterwards.
  13. During the ILDA dispute of summer 2000-I remember seeing loco 155 in Ballina with the new LED marker lights and shortly afterwards loco 077 arrived on the nightly liner train from Northwall sporting the same lights, By the end of 2001 most of the fleet had them fitted.
  14. Lovely scene well done Eamonn.
  15. No Kieran-I have an incline built to the lower level,if that doesn't work,I still have room for a helix-but the plan is to have an end to end branch line on the lower level with stock transfers via the six storage sidings and incline.
  16. Yes Andy-I'm still finalising it though and it may change,my Enterprise set doesn't like too many tight curves...so I'm working on easing out any problems that I'm encountering, The"Kildare"type station that you see in the last photo has run around facilities-so that my DFDS and timber trains or anything else can run around without disrupting any up or down passenger services,-(it will make full use of the functions on the sound fitted 071 and 201 loco's). I plan to store most of my freight and per way rolling stock underneath the main layout and haul them up as required.
  17. Thanks JHB and Eamonn-much appreciated, I could do with hiring your ballast train for a few weeks Eamonn as I'm going to be busy ballasting...
  18. Morning Gents The NIR crew have made their way down to Tara jctn this morning for route knowledge with four Mk2s and 208. Across the platform 209 has charge of the Enterprise and over from that 234 pushes the Mk4 set.
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