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Everything posted by ttc0169

  1. Saturday evening at the new fuelling point at the west end of Tars Jctn sees locos 073,080,084,087 and 088 test out the facility
  2. A typical formation was--EGV, Compo, diner,followed up to six standards,OR EGV,diner,five standards,and spare diner.
  3. I attended this exhibition for the first time earlier today, There was a nice crowd there and a nice selection of layouts on display,however I was a little bit disappointed in the lack of any Irish-(North or South) themed modern image layout, Nice to have met baseboard Dave and Murrayec and the lads from Dublin. I picked up a MM 201 for a bargain price which made my day.
  4. A useful addition to your wonderful layout Andy, Is the Bus garage from the Metcalfe range or did you scratch build it?
  5. I always look forward to your updates Kieran-
  6. When I saw 087 in Inchicore about two years ago-I thought to myself that was the end of it, It was only a shell, no engine, cooling fans,radiators all were missing, It was great to see it brought back to life again.
  7. Nice shots there Noel-how do you find the Lenz 25 decoder-are they any good?
  8. Thanks Fran.
  9. Des-the notice said..."The handbrake is temporarily disconnected on this locomotive,please use scotches to secure before any movement".
  10. Thanks lads-so far so good, In this scene we see NIR 8113 stabled at the loop platform with the RPSI Mk2 set which has arrived from Whitehead, 0117080 is working on the bi-directional line with the HOBS train.
  11. Refurbished loco 0117080 nearly ready for the road.
  12. Late night Possession on Tara Jctn sees 017080 depart from the ballast loading siding with the HOBS train, 086 has charge of the super train liveried Mk3s which include an extra Mk3 EGV which is en route to Westport to replace a failed EGV.
  13. 228-New Enterprise livery
  14. Nice work Tom.
  15. Good morning gentlemen, After successful trials I have been able to operate four trains at the one time around the layout including shunting in the yard, Here is a photo of 086 arriving with the Supertrain Mk3 set at platform 4 with loco 087 passing though light engine heading for the MPD, Platforms 2 and 3 are occupied with 234 pushing the Mk4 set and 8208 working the De-Dietrich Enterprise set. Loco 201 and 0117071 are stabled on the turntable road.
  16. Evening gentlemen, Another bit of progress done over the last few days....I've added some scenery-(not my strongest point)-but I'm happy with the results The per way sidings are starting to fill up with the weed-spray train and HOBS train now stabled there, Over on platform 6 the 29000 awaits the connection from 208 and the NIR Mk2s which have arrived on platform 5.
  17. A very nice selection of colour light signals there Raymond-and will look great on your spectacular layout, watching with interest.
  18. Morning Kieran-TL= Train Line-equipped with a cable for lighting throughout the train.
  19. Nice work so far-love your port area....reminds me of North Esk.
  20. Good evening gentlemen,thank you all very much for your kind replies,it is much appreciated.... Work is progressing well on the layout-the up and down fast lines have been handed back to passenger services,and attention has now turned to the relief lines... Here we see sound fitted loco 0117077 arrive with the HOBS train on the loop platform-with 0117071 waiting to couple to the weedspray train on platform 4, The tamper and Sperry wagon are stabled on one of the new perway sidings
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