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flange lubricator

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Everything posted by flange lubricator

  1. Another use for this 20ft container http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2036&d=1344009603
  2. This is as good as it gets this is what modelling is about the extended buffers, B5 bogies and gen set add that final added detail to make this model of a BR van suberb.
  3. Any aerosol I think the best way is to practice on something not too important first, your local motor factor could make you up most colours if he doesn't have one off the shelf I have used RAL2011 (I.E. orange )in water based with the advantage of no overpowering smell . The secret is spray very light coats let them dry and spray again don't try to completely cover the model in one coat .
  4. Yes It was a very big campaign at the time , I also have a vague recollection of the 'The Halls Pictorial Weekly' gang doing a parody of those ad's to the music of Glen Millers'Chattanooga Choo Choo' and I think the lyrics were changed to something like "Pardon me boy is this the supertrain to Sligo "
  5. I think 184 and 186 are like Triggar's sweeping brush at this stage with many original parts being replaced over time I know that 184's boiler dates from 1944 for example .
  6. Just received mine today exactly what one would expect for the price , high end quality product well done to all involved.
  7. Here's a link of a picture of one at Limerick http://www.rcts.org.uk/photographs/archive/380/CH/CH06463C.jpg note the round handbrake wheel and brake blocks on the outside of the wheels
  8. Yes very suitable for that era , I will always remember travelling on a hot summer day on the Mallow- Tralee in a 32xx next to the loco all the windows open gently rocking from side to side with an A class roaring away .
  9. Hi John , I would be interested in one of each of the following, 1339-55 Corridor Standard 1356-71 Standard Open 1904-8 Brake Standard Open 2405-2418 Buffet Car 3201-3212 BSSGV
  10. Some nice Irish rolling stock pictures here including a very rare picture of kitchen car 2403 and 3114 4w heating van in its final days on the Dublin suburban https://www.flickr.com/photos/126254131@N05/albums/72157675871216914/with/32546472136/
  11. great stuff Patrick , the palvans interspersed among Leslie's H vans would be very realistic for that period.
  12. They had 10 in total 2972-2978 built 1958 and 2979-2981 which were converted in the late sixties from GSR coaches built 1934/36
  13. The picture is from a book called Bulleid last giant of steam by Sean Day Lewis last published 1968 its has a good section on Ireland , the picture is credited to John Glick who was like Bulleid's assistant I think.. The numbers '2' on the coach doors would have been in red, the 1429 -48 coaches were 70 seaters 3=2 seating no tables and were often called maze coaches due to the layout of the vestibule at each end.
  14. 1429-1448 laminate coach Hope this helps
  15. lovely job on the pallet cement wagons
  16. Managed to dig out a couple of pictures of the interior of the catering car 4401 mk2b from Aug 1991
  17. Above is a picture of the real 3188 at the Inchicore Works open day in June 1996 you have certainly captured the wrap around paint on the ends and the B5 bogies look the business , where did you get the extended buffers from?
  18. Fabulous link if you flick through the pictures some with railway and non railway interest .
  19. Great work Popeye the weathering add's that extra level realism to the models.
  20. Great modelling Daryl love the wrap around ends which were a feature on these vans in IR/IE era .
  21. That's great weshty it would be safe to say you have the covered wagons covered .
  22. Westhy could you do a sheet of various H van numbers
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