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flange lubricator

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Everything posted by flange lubricator

  1. Four Buffet Cars seem to have lasted in service into 1987 most likely for Connolly-Sligo & Rosslare Trains. 2419 Was withdrawn mid 1987 , it is now preserved at Downpatrick .
  2. Super work John, I will certainly be ordering the Tpo and the sides for Buffet car , it would be great if you could do the interior for the Buffet car.
  3. Mine arrived today 25th August 14 I ordered them on the 25th June 2014 , I dont have an issue with waiting in this hobby some things do take time especially when they are niche market items like these.
  4. The Battegroupsouth have also been called Kampfgruppe Langer by some
  5. I think it was one or two per coach or one per coach per side , nice idea I think the RPSI still use the brackets and similar boards on their trains .
  6. They were permanent as far as I can remember depending on the service Failte - Dublin-Cork -Dublin Cu Na Mara - Dublin-Galway-Dublin Sarseal-Dublin -Limerick-Dublin There may have been more name trains than this that were named or the above may not be correct , no doubt more knowledgeable minds than mine may provide more information.
  7. Correct BSGSV! 6105 was the one of the last carraiges constructed at Inchicore , without sounding too pedantic 6105 was a BREL designed carraige , while 1145/46 were designed and built at Inchicore by CIE staff following these carraiges the cravens , Mk 2's , Mk 3's , were designed in the UK , with the finishing carried out at Inchicore the Mk3's were assembled with Jigs and parts from BREL
  8. As the words of the novel go 'The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there' I would like to think they had Comely maidens to tend to the needs of the great unwashed like me in the standard class too I somehow think that after this picture was taken this lady went back to the superstandard passangers. Dont think you would get a beehive under that hat.
  9. That's very interesting John , while 1145 & 1146 were perhaps not the first to have Air conditioning even in a basic form as josefstadt and jhb171achill have pointed out , as compaired to the 'fully air conditioned mk2d's, the were certainly ahead of there time and represented the end of coach building at Inchicore , they also must have some form of steam heat too , perhaps even thermostatically controlled , as the would have to work in sets with existing stock. With regard to the Craven 1st's I seem to rembember they had pine or oak coloured veneer paneling throughout as compared to the grey chequred plastic and the later dark beauty board in the standards even in the 1980's when they had been declassfied , one could always tell the ex 1st's by this feature , while the Murphy models craven is suberb ( I bought them all ) one niggle the non TL one's like 1149 have no battery boxes or dynamo's on the underframe which they would have carried prior to being converted to TL (Train Line) in the early 1970's with the arrival of the Dutch Vans and the BR vans
  10. 1145 and 1146 were real first class coaches among the last to be constructed at Inchicore and of that era possibily the finest , they were air conditioned note in the picture above the a/c unit on the sub frame the first in Ireland at that time and double glazed , the also were fitted with the higher spec commonwealth bogie similar to those fitted to BR mk1's. 1145 was destroyed at Buttervant and 1146 was destroyed in Belfast on 12/10/78 following a bomb attack .
  11. Great idea John , a 2400 series dining / buffet car is much needed , the other coach I would love to see is one of the 1497/1503 laminates one of the last Inchicore built coaches these were 10'2" wide sometimes refered to as the "ultra wides" very similar to the earlier batch but wider the same profile as your tin vans they also had the improved Commonwealth bogies so the Bachmann commonwealth bogies would suit this model . http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/3343839
  12. I think thats IAC-161 which served as trainer with the Irish Air Corps from 1951 until about 1960.
  13. Yes , me too enjoying putting the Heating Vans (HV) together at the moment .
  14. This picture shows the visual differance between a B4 and B5 bogie the B5 has a heavier Torsion bar (circled ) and a heavier bolster plank( underlined ) and the springs are heavier on the B5
  15. You can also use etched brass sides from Mousa Models these are for the BCK version http://www.mousa.biz/fourmm/coach/sides/CIE/cie_sides4.html
  16. There are a couple on Paul Biglands site and to be honest they are really good considering how cramped it is for taking pictures , with the driver sitting down it gives you a good idea of what the driving postion is like. http://PaulBigland.zenfolio.com/p942598532/e3b906d8f http://PaulBigland.zenfolio.com/p942598532/ef2c3ba
  17. I am currently putting together a set of Irish Rail ex BR Mk2 a/b/c's , and I have been in touch with Steve from Railtec Transfers he has now made up a complete set of numbers to suit the 4xxx series the standard coaches , the resturant cars and the gen vans , ideal to make up the complete set or for those who my want re number any of the Murphy Models mk2a's if you have duplicates , they are now available on the Railtec site http://www.railtec-models.com/index.php
  18. Looks like Youghal.
  19. Open House Dublin 4th -6th Oct 2013 This event which is organised by The Irish Architecture Foundation on the first weekend of October every year opens up buildings around Dublin City to the public , this year event covers 100 buildings highlights from a transport viewpoint are . 1. The Directors House Broadstone Railway Station by John Mulvany. 2. Connolly Station . 3. Donnybrook Bus Garage. The highlight for me last year was undoubtedly Donnybrook Bus Garage by Michael Scott completed in 1952. The tour was made even better by the insightful and informative Dublin bus staff giving the tours, if you want to find out what Donnybrook bus garage and Sydney Opera house have in common then go along and find out . Also some persevered buses are on display. All events are FREE check out http://www.openhousedublin.com
  20. RAL2011 is more Modern IE orange, the older CIE orange would be RAL2010 Signal orange, Holts car paint HOR03 is very close to it and should be off the shelf in most good motor factors .
  21. Well not wanting to sound a tad too techenical thats hand cleaner ???
  22. Well put simply No , having consulted various railway books , techicnal and otherwise , coconut oil harvested from coconut palm (Cocos nucifera) can be used as engine oil in come cases as a bio fuel in tropical countries, correct flange lubraction would require grease as opposed to oil, anyway our climate is sadly lacking in palm trees , there was one beside the railway at Howth a number of years ago but I never saw any coconuts hanging from it
  23. Thurles early sixties?
  24. Having not done any modelmaking for over 30 years here's a backmann bsk I converted to a GSV .
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