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Everything posted by StevieB

  1. The programme of closures didn't have a more sinister reasoning behind it, namely the separation of the two nations of Ireland. I've probably stepped onto forbidden territory here by mentioning politics, for which I apologise, but, hey, politics gets everywhere, like it or not. Stephen
  2. My order arrived today and I'm not disappointed - must now get on and produce something for them to run on. Stephen
  3. The trouble is that it is all in the imagination - the bus orientated politicians in the north saw to that by closing so many lines. A map of the rail network in the border area is very similar to one for the south west of England - vast swathes of the country rail-less. Stephen
  4. Or maybe Kirley just managed to persuade Leslie to part with a couple of chassis. Stephen
  5. PM sent. Stephen
  6. The power of positive thinking. Stephen
  7. A very enjoyable 15 minutes viewing - as a none native of Ireland, it always amazes me how much the railways either side of the Irish Sea have in common, but then they did have a shared history for almost 100 years before going their separate ways, the railways that is. Stephen
  8. This seems a good buy http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MURPHY-MODELS-MMOO86-6-COACHES-COMPLETE-TRAIN-OO-/282394197754?hash=item41c0017efa:g:5MAAAOSwzgBYxwEQ, 086 plus six Cravens (1x1st and 5x2nd). Stephen
  9. You have been busy. Stephen
  10. Too late, they've all sold out, so unless enough of us ask them nicely to do a second run, that's it, no more. Stephen
  11. Along with the loss of access to an incredible amount of historical items - Irish Railfans News to name just one. Stephen
  12. There seems to be some silly money being bid on eBay at present http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1311.R5.TR12.TRC2.A0.H0.Xmurp.TRS0&_nkw=murphy+models&_sacat=0. Stephen
  13. Some fine models of goods stock here. Stephen
  14. I agree with John that the L1 is a good starting point for producing any of the larger GSWR/GSR 4-4-0's. A number of people have made good representations over the years. The main drawback is that the loco is too long but shortening it is a major undertaking involving a new chassis. If you're going to that amount of trouble, then there are always the smaller wheeled versions, the 333 and 342 classes. Incidentally, there always seems to be a fair number of L1's for sale on eBay. Stephen
  15. I must be missing something here but isn't 'saying 120 euros' quoting a price as per forum rules? Stephen
  16. Leo What chassis did you put under your 4w coach? Stephen
  17. Patrick The Dapol GWR signals look very good and add the finishing touch. Stephen
  18. Any possibility of a fourth triple pack of ballast wagons, please? Stephen
  19. The H vans really look the part - I must get some in the new year. Stephen
  20. Castle Rackrent also appeared in Model Railway Journal No 202 under the title Fair Day at Moygraney - another excellent read. Stephen
  21. DJ Models posted the following in rmweb http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/103982-irish-railway-models-new-rtr-oo-gauge-ballastmineral-hopper/page-2. It looks like the parting of the ways was amicable. We have to hope that IRM can pick up where DJM left off. Stephen
  22. Richard Chown has written several times in the model railway press about the development of Castle Rackrent into a much bigger scheme of things. The one I particularly remember was the Castle Rackrent, Moygraney and Pacific in the Railway Modeller. I still have a read every now and again. Stephen
  23. The second Lissadell looks quite delightful - I guess you had to give her back. Stephen
  24. Did a drawing of the 6w heating van materialise? Stephen
  25. The more observant of us will have noticed a brake van at each end of the train - unusual when you are conditioned to the modern scene with fully fitted freights. Stephen
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