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Everything posted by StevieB

  1. Does anyone have details of the positioning of roof vents on the roofs of the Park Royal coaches, both suburban and main line, please? The photo that accompanies the IFM kit is very unclear. Many thanks. Stephen
  2. Very nice indeed -do you have any more photos of the early construction stage? Stephen
  3. It's as if some people don't read what is in posts. I've explained the situation I was in, I emailed MM and he fact is that is that MM responded to my request for help, good customer service! Nothing more to say. Stephen
  4. That's the way to do it if you purchase for a retailer, but private sales are a different. I had never seen any mention of MM spares being held by retailers, so I went to the manufacturer and got help that way. Stephen
  5. As with so many things, people seem to get different responses from MM. I had a problem recently with a broke buffer on a 141/181, and, after two emails to MM, spares came in the post from quite where I don't know. Very often you just have to both patient and persistent - they are humans like us, after all. Stephen
  6. I would most definitely be interested in both the SO and BGSV. What is the likely price, please? Many thanks. Stephen
  7. I think we've been here before - CIE Compartment Cars - What type of coaches? StevieB
  8. it also puts me in mind of the SECR 01 class. Excellent piece of work. Stephen
  9. Assuming that you mean the kind found in goods yards, they were much more relevant to railways in Britain than Ireland. If you search online, you will find photos, etc of them. Stephen
  10. The biggest change over the years has been from rigid steam locos running on flexible track to flexible diesel/electric locos running on rigid track - the terms flexible and rigid have to be taken with a pinch of salt but a steam loco is relatively rigid compared with a multi axle diesel/electric loco. This makes for problems running steam locos at high speed on modern mainlines. Stephen
  11. I was having a look at the latest edition of Steam Railway, where it said that Slieve Gullion had returned from Shildon not because it's repairs were complete but because the contractor had gone into administration! What is the world coming to? Stephen
  12. This is all very interesting since I have just purchased from them and found that the postage charges were very transparent. Admittedly, I did email them beforehand but they did what they said. Maybe they have learned from customer feedback. Stephen
  13. The idea of a private siding into the Coillte/Louisiana pacific never seems to have been a go-er but surely there is scope to unload at Belview, which is literally down the road from the plant. Still double handling but at least out of town. Stephen
  14. There will be a family resemblance to the NCC 0-6-0's. Stephen
  15. In the days of loco hauled passenger trains, there was always at least one starting from Waterford in the morning and another terminating there in the evening. What happened to the stock overnight? Was it left in the passenger station overnight and, if so, in which platform, or was it shunted off to the goods yard? Many thanks. Stephen
  16. the Hornby GW ventilated van is a close approximation to these - remove the end strapping and ventilators and you're almost there. But we digress from Garfield's workbench. Stephen
  17. It appears to me that there are three main differences between the bodies of the CIE and BR palvans: 1) Sliding doors 2) Wider roof to accommodate the sliding doors 3) Corrugated ends The latter two differences can be accommodated easily by substituting the roof and ends from the BR vanwide kit. Does anyone have experience of obtaining 'spares' from Parkside Dundas? Stephen
  18. I have to agree with Noel's sentiments - one positive note is the extension to platforms 4/5 ( I assume the numbering remains the same). Stephen
  19. I asked both Hattons and Cheltenham Model Centre recently about stocking the new MM mk2d's and they both had no plans to stock them - too small a market perhaps! Stephen
  20. It's not good if the photos were posted without the owner's permission. Nevertheless, there was some good modelling on show there, in particular both the amount of, and variety of, the rolling stock. I hope that we may still see some more of his work in the future. Stephen
  21. How was mail traffic handled at Waterford? The copies 1970's WTT's that I have, covering the Dublin service, do not mention mail trains at all, so was it sent via Limerick Junction? That would seem very roundabout way of moving it if that was the case. Stephen
  22. It would be lovely to see more of the layout - thanks for trying to contact him. As for the crossing in the middle of platforms 3 and 4, to the layman it's a scissors crossing where the diamond has strayed into one of the running lines - I know that there will a correct term for it in permanent way speak! Stephen
  23. I came across this recently http://irishrailwaymodeller.yuku.com/topic/826/Waterford#.VPGaExaMmX0. Some of the detail is very good. Does it still exist and are there any more photos? Stephen
  24. That all sounds very promising - if only all the major Irish ports were so keen on rail - the development plans for Galway mentioned rail, but Galway is a very small player compared to some of the others - what is needed is the likes of Belfast and Cork to become rail orientated - I believe that one of the reasons why Cork's plans to re-locate to Ringsakiddy were scuppered was because of the lack of rail connection. Stephen
  25. One of the concerns is the livery and, in particular, the shade of 'orange' used. Well, have a look at this http://stationworld.web.fc2.com/uk/ireland/manullajunction.htm. Stephen
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