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Everything posted by Tarabuses

  1. Is this the first 071 on ebay? http://www.ebay.ie/itm/271152436414?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  2. I am hoping that it will fit in very well, Brian.
  3. It seems to be a busy location.
  4. Is this on an existing or new casting, Brian? Either way I look forward to seeing it.
  5. And here was me thinking he was opposed to the walkway because he wanted the railway reopened:confused:
  6. How did things go in Nuremberg?
  7. This message has been posted on Boards.ie by a person called Sheldrake: Friends We have commissioned a feasibility study from an expert in the world of finance on the future prospects of the Malahide project. It makes for interesting reading, and is accompanied by actual projected revenue and expense streams. I won't post those for obvious reasons, but they are available to serious players if required. The executive summary is hereunder: 1. During 22 years at Malahide Castle, the museum was not viable as a stand-alone operation. Direct income exceeded direct expenses but a notional net loss was incurred after absorbing cost of administrative support from Dublin Tourism and 7/24 security provided by Fingal Council. 2. Casino site is not fit for purpose. Existing building is entirely unsuitable. A minimum 10,000 sq ft new building will be needed to house static museum and working railway, and to satisfy health & safety. Grounds are too small to provide adequate car and coach parking, plus complementary landscaping. Access problems from busy main road. Existing traffic congestion in nearby Malahide village. 3. Facility will constitute a radical change of use for location, implying community resistance. Planning/ NIMBY-type objections may result in costly delays during pre-commissioning phase. 4. Assuming project commences first quarter 2013 and there is no undue delay, commissioning would be unlikely before 2016. Capital cost estimated at € 2.3 million. Delay beyond 2016 will result in escalating holding costs. 5. Gaffney bequest to fund Casino project is €1.5 million. Opening by end 2016 will incur a minimum capital shortfall of €800,000. 6. For income projections, a target figure of 75,000 visitors pa has been projected. Note this is believed to be 3/ 4 times average annual numbers in years 1988-2010. Projections include a discount factor to recognise customer resistance at higher ticket price levels. 7. Projected operating budget shows annual trading losses of € 330,000 to 400,000. Note that this result may be impervious to additional promotional support ie increased advertising cost would offset increased revenue implying market saturation. Circulate at will. http://www.boards.ie/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=2056164770&page=8 #154
  8. I thought you were going to say that you took it from the bottom of the bird cage when you were cleaning it out
  9. I see that Michael is back in Ireland next week on BBC2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01qmc2x
  10. I think sweet cigarettes have been banned. I bought them for the collection cards rather than the cigarettes themselves, which were nothing great.
  11. I was disappointed with the Irizar when I first saw the photo but will leave any judgement until it is released.
  12. The newspaper article said that Mr Gaffney donated the money to restore Casino House on condition it housed the model railway. Either the reporter got it wrong or Mr Gaffney's wishes have not been fulfilled in which case I would think the bequest has to be returned to his estate.
  13. It hasn't but still a way to go before he receives full value.
  14. Those Healy Raes never give up. They know how to wind up the media.
  15. This must be the bargain of the year at the starting price. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Immaculate-collection-of-Murphy-Models-Irish-Locos-and-Carriages-/150983942157?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item232758200d
  16. I'm sure he tried selling that before?
  17. Probably adds to the value
  18. That article was written by the same Nigel O'Connor as is now producing the Shapeways kit.
  19. Yes, it must be a collector's item because it is certainly not an enthusiasts item.
  20. Yes, but as Glenderg has pointed out their is international and there is international. The world extends way beyond Ireland.
  21. Hmmm, seven all at once seems a bit exrtravagant.
  22. As is the case with many UK sellers, the postage to Ireland is the same as to Australia.
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