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Everything posted by RedRich

  1. A secret affair Seamus and she must never find out, nod nod, wink wink. Rich,
  2. I see that Bachmann have released the first 2 of their LMS Twins. Anybody got their hands on one yet. From the pics that I have seen they look smashing. I would have loved one of the FIA trains models, but they were a bridge to far for me price wise when they were released. I don't think that I will be able to resist one of these models, and a purchase will be made. Rich,
  3. Great to see that you have reached this stage Vincent. It's very satisfying to see locos under power as it really spurs you on to the next stage. If there are any frustrating days, keep that hammer out of sight. I've said it before, I love 112 and 220 and I am delighted that PM chose both these locos for release. Rich,
  4. Those pictures are amazing Krose. A set of MM M11 aircons double headed by a pair of babies would look sweet. I actually hope that will see the MM M11 aircons in super train livery as I remember seeing them for the first time and thinking how cool and modern they were. I think every yard in the country will or did have different kinds of re-fuelling points. If I can get over to Waterford West during the week I will take a few shots of the re-fuelling point and put them in the photos section. Rich,
  5. For anyone that is ever in York it is a fantastic place to visit. Plenty of legendary steam and diesel locos on show, and a nice history lesson at the same time. Rich,
  6. I wonder if he was removed from the train at the next stop, if not he should have been. From the looks of the coach it is a 22000, so the destination could be a number of places. Rich,
  7. No worries Eamonn, really looking forward to it, the wait will be worth it. Rich,
  8. Makes you wonder how it got to print Richie. Surely someone would have to proof read it first. Rich,
  9. He seems a bit deranged alright. Imagine having your kids with you in the coach. Rich,
  10. Fran that has come a long way and you deserve huge credit for the work you have done. The handrails look fabulous and that is one area where some models fall down. As for the paint job Bren has done an amazing job, the weathering looks so realistic and work worn when you compare it to the prototype pics. Rich,
  11. I love the hard standing Kieran. It is as Hunslet has said a messy and fiddly job, but you are doing exceptionally well and it will look amazing when it is finished. Nice job on the crane also. Rich,
  12. Bren I love the way that the scenic area will be at eye level and it is a master stroke as you will be able to view the trains from the level that we look at the real railway from. I love it and it will be epic. Rich,
  13. Excellent stuff Noel. It's fantastic to see the different era's modelled as I can see all the liveries I grew up loving. I love A39 and Eamonn has done a superb job on her. I can't wait to see the video. The choices available to you for running sessions is limitless and I can see how you can disappear into the small world and stay there for hours, and that is what it is all about. Rich,
  14. Des you don't know how happy that makes me. I shall be counting the days. Rich,
  15. Modest as usual Richie, great work man on the weathering I love it. Rich,
  16. Sound man John, Rich,
  17. I reckon it will soon become very popular on the exhibition scene David. It is already a top layout. Rich,
  18. John The set's usually ran with 3 of the MK11A's and MK11B and C coaches in one set. The other set comprised of a MK11A and the rest were MK11B and C. The Buffet Standard was like the Cravens with two of the windows of the coach plated over. I have a picture of the coach taken in Galway when it was in the IE livery, don't ask me where it is though. At the end of their career they had the roofs and window toplights painted black. I am not sure how long they were in the orange roof and silver window toplights for in the IE livery. The running numbers for each coach were. Buffet Standard 4401 Standard 4101 Standard 4102 Standard 4103 Standard 4104 Standard 4105 Standard 4106 Standard 4107 Standard 4108 Standard 4109 Standard 4110 Standard 4112 Standard 4113 Standard 4114 4101-02-08-10 were the MK11A's and the coaches that Bachmann produced. I do hope they decide to bring MK11B and C coaches into their range as I would love to complete a set of these myself. The 3 converted Dutch vans were 4601 formerly 3162 4602 formerly 3163 4603 formerly 3166 The DC kits refurbished Dutch van is a nice model but you need to remove the MK1 gangway from the ends and fit the ends with MK111 gangways. Nothing wrong with being a rivet counter or a casual modeller John, it's all about having fun. Rich.
  19. Welcome Richrua, there's nothing wrong with having an interest in the railways abroad. I have a love of British Railways from time that I lived and worked in London. Travelling through Clapham Junction gave me a huge interest in track. Lot's of the lad's have interests in US, Continental Europe, Canadian, New Zealand, and Australian railways. There is something here for everybody and I for one will enjoy sharing your interests in Railways, models and real life. Rich,
  20. Please do Des, I'd love to see it. The ten inch one sounds promising Des. Right I've just taken out the ruler and measured one of my MK1 GSV etches and it comes in just an eight of an inch under 10 inches. Could be a a bit of a squeeze but it might work. Rich,
  21. That's the very one Des. It's worth the money if you do a lot of kit or scratch building, and gives better results than rivet decals. The amount of brass kits of locos or wagons that have half etched holes for punching rivets is huge and I'd imagine that this tool would repay the purchase cost over a very short amount of time. It's a shame that they don't produce the rolling bars to 12 inches as they would be amazing for curving coach sides in 00 or some 7mm scale parts. Rich,
  22. Squadron white (forget the green stuff) the white one seems to have finer particles in it. However on big filling jobs it can shrink over time so be careful. Bondo a car filler is one that I have heard very positive reports about from other modellers. Holts knife putty is one that I used in the past on a non modelling project, I thought it was amazing, it sanded well with little or no shrinking. I must use it on a project in the future to see how it turns out. Both should be available from autofactors or Halfords. As Richie has said stay away from Milliput, the man knows what he is talking about. Rich,
  23. Here's a link for the small shop Fran. http://www.thesmallshop.com Rich,
  24. GW models do the Rolls Royce of rivet punchers Fran and I would give serious consideration as it is worth every penny. I don't have one myself but I know modellers that do, and they wouldn't be without one. If you are looking at investing in a steam model kit Fran, it's a no brainer. My own Hold and Fold is from the small model shop. I bought it many years ago from the USA. It's a marvellous piece of kit. Having said that I will definitely go for the one George has. Off to their website now for a good look at it. Rich,
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