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Everything posted by irishthump

  1. Don't know about the controller but it could be caused by the decoders having DC running turned on. Turning this off requires you to reprogramme CV29 on each loco.
  2. That's just sounds wrong, Fran.
  3. That movie isn't actually part of this trilogy. It's a standalone movie set just before the events in A New Hope.
  4. As a long time Star Wars fan I really loved the new movie, it was a nice return to form after the hit-and-miss Prequel Trilogy. I went to see it with the whole family at 12am on the opening night! Hoping to get to see it again sometime this week.
  5. Interesting to you but not to many people who attend these events. I appreciate good trackwork, scenery, etc. as much as anyone. But it's all for nought if you don't see trains running - prototypically or not.
  6. And just what do you mean by that?
  7. A timetable is fine. Just not one that involves having too much "dead time" between movements, punctuated by gruff operators who grunt a reply to any questions without looking you in the eye!
  8. That's something I've noticed too. I've no problem with prototypical operation at exhibitions but there needs to be something happening all the time if exhibitors expect to hold people's attention for any amount of time. A small loop with a train constantly running will have more interest for the casual observer than timetable-driven scenic masterpiece that has minutes elapsing between each movement. The type of operation that David describes in his first post is perfect if you want to keep a layout constantly on the move. To drift off topic a little; this is where I think sound equipped stock comes into its own. It allows you to drive the locos at protypical shunting speed without it appear TOO slow to a casual audience. You can also reproduce most of the action that goes with it like coupling, brake hoses, charging brake lines etc.
  9. So did I to be honest, had to double check it!
  10. Granted it would'nt be as strong but you get 3x14" for €5 so it works out a bit cheaper. http://www.marksmodels.com/?cid=493
  11. Styrene C channel would probably be strong enough if it's only for display. Mark's sells the Evergreen stuff but it might work out a bit expensive if you need 24ft of it!
  12. Looks great! Judging by the position on the cuts would I be right in assuming there was no need to modify the drive train? (A big plus if that's the case!)
  13. They are Hornby class 31 buffers. I got them from Peter's Spares on Ebay. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hornby-X9313-Class-31-Set-Of-4-Sprung-Buffers-/321311699047?hash=item4acfab7067#ht_1607wt_1040
  14. I still have the limp....
  15. Athearn frame, Atlas bogies, Proto motor. And like you said the drive parts are all identical. Have a shufty.... http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/77-Graham-s-Workbench?p=74174&viewfull=1#post74174
  16. Jayzus.... I KNOW!!!!
  17. Cheers, Fran. I already converted an Athearn F7 chassis with some Atlas bogies, so I'm sorted! Just wondered if this could be a solution for anybody else who is contemplating a kit.
  18. Appreciate that, Des. Thanks.
  19. Des, Could this also be a potential donor chassis for the A Class kit? (Apologies if this is slightly off topic and SSM does'nt produce the A class. Just a general query.)
  20. Oh that's right, you're not. You're one of those "real modellers" who makes something better rather than settling for inferior RTR models. Missing an axle, but better.....
  21. Bloody gorgeous! A good layer of carefully unwashed filth and you're grand!
  22. A little unfair. Nothing wrong with striving to get your model trains to run in a prototypical manner. When you bring sound into the equation it becomes much more important to get a loco to run at prototypical speeds. Please, don't start accusing other people of double standards after that statement! You continually criticize manufacturers and their products for incorrect or missing detail yet it's ok for YOU to omit an axle?
  23. You see there's a justification, IMHO, of why the powers-that-be might be reluctant to allow hobbysists to look after the layout. I've seen far too much of this myslef at exhibitions.
  24. The 121's worked the push pulls on the Bray/Greystones shuttle until the Dart was extended to Greystones.
  25. Wise words! In that case I would go back to the retailer. It's clearly not running as it should and they should sort it for you.
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