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Everything posted by irishthump

  1. He only asked for advice on the paint.
  2. Cold weather really isn't good for aerosol paint! The cold actually affects the pressure inside the can resulting in the paint clumping when you're spraying it. Try storing your spray cans indoors for a few days, it makes a big difference. If there's any chance you could spray paint indoors then that would be the best option, otherwise you need to wait for warmer weather. This is reason that many modellers (including myself) prefer to spray the primer into another container then apply it to the model with an airbrush. *Sorry Weshty, you beat me to it!
  3. Jayzus.... There's going to be a van driver with one hell of a bad back tomorrow!
  4. You need to remove the square plastic clips from the top of the bogie assemblies. Just carefully lever one side out with a small flat screwdriver being careful not to break it. You can then lift the drive rods away from the worm gear and the bogie should just drop out. Bear in mind you will need to remove the pickup wires from the circuit board if you want to remove the bogies completely.
  5. You beat me to it! Yes, that HST used a motoer form a cd drive. I gave it a good run after installation and never noticed the motor overheating to any degree.....
  6. Managed to pick up a copy at the Stillorgan fair yesterday... Have to say it's fantastic, with a wealth of colour photos.
  7. Careful now....
  8. Sad news indeed. I'm at the age where I can't remember a time when he wasn't on the telly/radio....
  9. That's some turnover!
  10. Man that looks great! Can't wait to see the Fellbeast.....
  11. I wonder are they lining up to sell online only.....
  12. That's another issue with NEM pockets; there is no consistency when it comes to the height of the pocket. Even the 141's/071's and 201's can be a shade low.
  13. Yes, the longer shanked Kadees I mention have a much wider swing. As coupling on curves, Kadees are really not designed for that, and they tell you themselves! Of course just putting Kadees at each end of a permanent rake is a perfect solution for some layouts.
  14. Parcel Motel is your only man here....
  15. You see this is my point. As handy as the NEM socket Kadees are, they're not the best solution. The #17-#20 don't have the same range of movement that the regular Kadees have. You can still get problems with these couplers on long coaches and tight curves. Plus, they are bogie mounted.
  16. That arguement always makes me smile. Purist say the buckeye coupling in not prototypical yet they are perfectly ok with a huge plastic D ring and ugly metal hook! Which, ironically, work more reliably than the more recent slimlined nem couplers... A common misconception. The key is to use the correct Kadee, the standard #5 is too short for buffered stock. I body mount the #146 on long wheelbased stock suck as container flats and coaches and have no problems over tight curves, even when propelling stock. The #146 is long enough that you can mount it flush to the buffer beam and it still projects far enough so as not to cause buffer lock. The added length also gives it a wider sweep to accomodate tight curves.
  17. Agreed. I can't imagine Peco being so shortsighted as to not produce points for this new track.
  18. Wow. You really told him there, didn't you?
  19. Still no installed lighting? Shocking to think Bachmann are still selling an RTR loco that doesn't come with lighting installed.
  20. No. The soundfiles are made specifically for both decoders. You could contact the vendor and ask them if they supply a file for the 3.5 but the 3.5 is no longer made so they probably won't.
  21. Great advice from Noel... Only thing to add when removing the body make sure you unclip the ends of the handrails from the cab. It's very easy to forget and snap them off. Some insist of removing the handrails completely to make it easier to remove the body shell but personally I think it's more hassle than it's worth.
  22. Yeah, the factory probably sold off a bad batch. That's how the likes of Dealz are able to sell so cheaply. You ever look at the dates on their food?
  23. I doubt very much if they would body mount the coupler pockets. It's not the norm for UK outline.
  24. Well said that man! And congratulations to the three of you.....
  25. Fantastic news! Even if I do have to wait a bit longer for a pair of Supertrain 121's...... I'm sure a speaker will be fitted. Since that has been the case with the 071 and 201 models. Even the 141 came with a factory fitted speaker cradle. Yes the 121 was originally fitted with the EMD 8-567CR, same as the 141 locos. The 181's came with the 645E but some 141's were later fitted with 645's taken from the C Class when it was withdrawn. The push-pull 121's were also fitted with 645E's. Loksound have accurate sounding files for both the 141 and the 181. IIRC, Mr Soundguy's ZIMO decoders use a recording from a 645E so they would be accurate for later 121's.
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