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Everything posted by skinner75

  1. Nice info on that site regarding the CIE Sulzers alright!
  2. http://www.youtube.com/user/andyskinner75?feature=mhee Here's my channel. As gm171kk says, no real model rail stuff there, bit of a mix-mash, but some railway stuff. Lots of Metal vids!! When I get around to starting my attic layout, hopefully in the new year once I get the floor down, I'll be adding vids to the above.
  3. Though you see plenty of boy racers with the aul black bonnet nowadays!
  4. My advice for bidding on ebay is to wait until the very last minute to do so - cut it as close to the end as possible, then stick in your max bid. Bidding when there are days left to go is pointless if you ask me, as this will allow the bidding to creep upwards over the remaining days. A friend of mine does this all the time when bidding on vinyl, and swears by it.
  5. I'd go for one of those myself - won't be able to make it to the Raheny show though
  6. Found this vid of a Sulzer powered NSU locomotive in use in Austrailia in 1983, being used to take up a disused narrow gauge line: http://youtu.be/4gRGOCNC2w0
  7. I don't see what's strange about the bidding - first bidder puts in his max bid of £16.55 @22:11, then the second bidder enters his first bid of £10.50 @22:35, and keeps on upping it till he becomes top bidder @22:37
  8. I forgot all about it till seeing postings about it today! To advertising!!
  9. Big white square for headlight, small squares for marker lights - all when running on non-DCC system?
  10. Does anybody know if E428 was in working order when it arrived at Dunsandle? Pics on the website of inside the cab looked like it was in good condition inside at least
  11. Thanks for the link for Autodesk 123D there John. I used Autodesk CAD in school & colledge, but that was a long time ago, and I haven't used it since. Nice that it's a free download too. Good idea trying out getting a 3D model together & getting it made by Shapeways first too btw!
  12. While getting the 3D model ready for the printer would take time, once you had it done, you could churn out the copies. Plus, the design is always there for whenever you need more. Buying direct from the US would probably be the way to go, and I reckon the support option for $350 would be a wise addition. Material price seems to be very reasonable, as I would imagine a kilo would make a lot of model railway items! As for highend printers that can do down to 20micron layers - I reckon you could throw an extra 2 or 3 zeros onto the end of the price tag for one of them printers!
  13. Just tried it there myself, and I get the same as snapper - a row of page buttons above the top post on the page. I'm using the default browser on a HTC Wildfire
  14. New model of 3D printer, the Replicator2, prints using 100 micron layers (0.1mm) - giving a much smoother finish than previously capable. Priced at $2100 - probably means it'd be the same price in Euros. http://dvice.com/archives/2012/09/makerbot-shows.php#6 Printer available from: http://store.makerbot.com/replicator2.html
  15. or 'was the pope in the Hitler Youth?' as I like to say! I have to say, the job done on the 071 is another top notch job - like they say with Pokemon - 'gotta catch em all!'
  16. I have all three dvds - Railfreight Today is amazing, and Loco Hauled is cool too. New Horizons is definetely the weakest of the three, with mixed up footage representing the one 'train' - starts off with a 201 hauled MK3 set, then jumps to an 071 hauled MK2 set, then back again. There is a short clip of the Enterprise hauled by a blue 201 though! Railfreight Today will bring tears to your eyes when you see the freight traffic that is now long gone
  17. Hi all, Just posting up a link to a thread of pictures of motorbikes & trains together in the one shot. Mostly US/Canadian, but some European shots too: http://www.advrider.com/forums/showthread.php?t=726317
  18. Don't know if you have seen this article on New Irish Lines website: http://newirishlines.org/2009/09/28/converting-the-murphy-bachmann-141-class-diesel-to-21mm-gauge/ Hope this helps!
  19. Saw that today alright - can't see the attraction in them either. I have one in the attic from back in the day
  20. Great looking site! Got it added to my bookmarks now. When I've cash to spare...
  21. One of the recent Model Rail magazines covered a material to use for tarpaulin - I'll look it up for you when I get home
  22. I heard on the radio that the price they paid for the contract means that they will have to grow the business by 10% each year for the next ten years - doesn't sound even remotely possible to me. I wouldn't like to be a commuter on the WCML - as I reckon fare increases are definetely on the cards
  23. Have to say I'll be even more excited when the 121's are announced & we get the pre-production shots - that's not to say I don't absolutely love the 071!
  24. You could always reduce the size and/or quality of the shots in the camera settings before taking the pics you want to upload - this will result in a smaller filesize. Experiment with all the various size/quality settings & you should be able to get a pic under the 2Mb limit
  25. Totally stunning! Really nice the way the IE window frames & marker lights are modelled - just like the real thing! Going to have to get me one of these, along with the other two!!
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