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Everything posted by skinner75

  1. You don't want to go breathing in dust from MDF
  2. I grabbed the two IE large logo 071s, the Galway set restaurant & genny van coaches, and mk2 coaches 5210 & 5217
  3. You'd have to be a collector alright - they are the most god-awful looking yokes those repainted Hymeks!
  4. voted! Some layout you got there - well done!
  5. The definition of insanity - repeating something again & again and expecting different results!
  6. words will be had with the driver methinks
  7. Great job on it alright! Now imagine a pair of 121s back to back in that scale... drool!! Who knows, when I have my workshop built up, I may just get some steel sheet, and take a loan of my dads mig welder...
  8. Great job so far Ray! Love the idea of dropping the level of the river down - coupled with the hill in the corner, it really breaks up the flatness of that section of layout
  9. You say yawn to driving a loco with an amazing setup like yer mans, then you post up a flight sim?!?! Probably the most boring thing, after a 'watching paint dry' sim! Ooh - hours of sitting there watching clouds go by - how exciting!!
  10. As with all hobbies - whatever it is, you don't mind spending money on it as it is your hobby
  11. With the 'scratch card' that wins every week!
  12. Pics or it didn't happen!!
  13. Look on the bright side - no complex pointwork to be modelled saving €€€'s & no spending a fortune on loads of wagons to model a freight train! ;-)
  14. Yep - I'd say it's a 59 alright
  15. Yep - great series! I love the visits to other garden railways, including the legendary Bob Symes' home. I picked up The Garden Railway Manual book by C J Freezer (http://www.bookdepository.com/Garden-Railway-Manual-CJ-Freezer/9781852604653), and have plans to get something going in the garden in the next couple of years. Currently halfway through a block workshop build - hope to get that completed this summer.
  16. Nah, that'd be the new Wexford Bus livery!
  17. Pretty cool trick by the Russians! Excerpt from the article here: "One night, my nav and I were in our Phantom, underneath a Bear, cautiously moving into position for my back-seater to read the door number. I was having a hard time getting there as the Bear kept manoeuvring, presumably to make life difficult, and the weather was far from friendly. Having been clinging onto this silhouette in the sky for so long, I began to get an uneasy feeling that everything wasn't as it should be. For the last ten minutes or so, I had been staring at nothing other than the Bear (I really couldn't look away from him due to his proximity, his continual manoeuvres and the fact that it was pitch black) and my nav had been staring through his night vision scope trying desperately to read the numbers so that we could get the hell out of there. I had to back off (down actually) for a moment to check our height. Having started this game at around 7,000 feet, we were now at 150 feet and going down. Those lovely, fluffy gentlemen in the Bear, knowing that we would be working hard to follow their turns, had been gently descending in the hope of wiping us out on a cold, hard, dark sea."
  18. worth installing this little addon to your browser too: https://adblockplus.org/
  19. Download Malwarebytes removal tool - this should remove it. https://www.malwarebytes.org/
  20. I've used the Lidl soldering iron a good few times on the wiring of my motorbike - always done the job for me. That said, the tip is a bit knackered now. I've been meaning to pickup a variable temp iron. For assembling whitemetal kits, what lower temp range should I be looking for?
  21. skinner75

    RIP Bob Symes

    RIP Bob. Sad news that
  22. Advert for Metrovick, featuring photo of A3. Stick it in a frame and away ya go! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/METROPOLITAN-VICKERS-TRAIN-ADVERT-Magazine-advert-clipping-NOT-A-COPY-/161072144083?pt=UK_Collectables_Advertising_ET&hash=item2580a5ded3
  23. Enough with the 201s - make with the 121 class!!!
  24. Football is as corrupt as boxing - especially with Septic Bladder at the helm - little crook bastid
  25. Don't forget the 121 & 141 combo, which I reckon looks as good as two 121s. They also carried all the liveries the 141/181 did, plus the grey & yellow livery they were delivered in
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